BrickPi Controls Mindstorms Bots With a RasPi - Make: BrickPi Controls Mindstorms Bots With a RasPi - Make:

BrickPi Controls Mindstorms Bots With a RasPi

Fun & Games Raspberry Pi
BrickPi Controls Mindstorms Bots With a RasPi


Dexter Industries builds Lego Mindstorms add-on sensors and other compatible products, and their latest project — not yet completed — is the BrickPi, which allows the Pi to control up to 3 Mindstorms motors and four sensors (but not the ultrasonic). The board’s firmware is written in Arduino 1.0. If you’re interested in the source, check out the project’s Github repository.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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