Making High Fashion Open Source with Alexandria von Bromssen - Make: Making High Fashion Open Source with Alexandria von Bromssen - Make:

Making High Fashion Open Source with Alexandria von Bromssen

Making High Fashion Open Source with Alexandria von Bromssen


Avant-garde fashion designer Alexandria von Bromssen‘s Camp Couture school will bring together open source philosophy with high fashioncomingtobayareamakerfaire_2013 design once again at this year’s Maker Faire. The Camp Couture school is aimed at makers of all ages and skill levels and encourages creative expression by teaching students to create their own customized garments and designs.


This year Camp Couture will take the form of several workshops as well as a runway fashion show, in which the students will create a ‘green’ collection of clothing reconstructed from upcycled clothes.

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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