Wayfind Your Way to Maker Faire for FREE with SketchUp Software - Make: Wayfind Your Way to Maker Faire for FREE with SketchUp Software - Make:

Wayfind Your Way to Maker Faire for FREE with SketchUp Software

CNC & Machining
Wayfind Your Way to Maker Faire for FREE with SketchUp Software


Make-SketchUp_Button_125x125_v2From means of displaying information to novel wayfinding solutions, the challenge is ON to design an Information Kiosk for Maker Faire. The maker or team of makers of the winning design will win a lodging & travel expenses-paid trip to Maker Faire Bay Area and actually cut and build their design with our partners from SketchUp using ShopBot CNC machines.

Take wayfinding and an information kiosk to the next level! How creative can you get with only 20 or 30 sheets of plywood? Physical and material constraints typically drive creative output. You have to work with what you are limited to, while guiding the public at a 40+ acre event. Show us a new type of information kiosk! Make it something the world has never seen before – that’s what Maker Faire is all about!

Deadline to enter is 11:59pm PT on Monday, April 14th. Full details and rules can be found at the contest landing page. Get modelling and have fun with SketchUp software!

Tag your posts online with #MFKiosk – we’ll be watching! – and we look forward to your entry!

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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