The Construction Of A Hobbit Hole - Make: The Construction Of A Hobbit Hole - Make:

The Construction Of A Hobbit Hole

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The Construction Of A Hobbit Hole

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Lets just imagine for a moment that you’re at a charity auction. Maybe you’ve had a little too much wine and humor. Maybe you’re feeling pretty charitable. Now lets imagine that the item that comes up for auction happens to be the facade of a hobbit hole. You probably won’t take the time to wonder to yourself, how did this predicament even come to pass? You’ll probably just start bidding with the absolute need to win. This was the case for at least one person in the universe.

What do you do with a Hobbit hole facade? Well, you dig a hole and make a home! Materials were purchased, a back hoe was brought in to dig a hole, and the hobbit hole was constructed. Luckily, pictures were taken along the way so we get to enjoy the process without getting our own hands dirty. The person who built it shared the whole thing on Reddit, and says that the total cost was around $4000 but the facade itself was only $420.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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