How-To: Knit a Working Circuit - Make: How-To: Knit a Working Circuit - Make:

How-To: Knit a Working Circuit

Craft & Design Technology Yarncraft
How-To: Knit a Working Circuit

Forget about circuit boards and start thinking about circuit stitches with this illuminating tutorial by electronic art professor Jesse Seay on how to knit your own circuitry.

…I developed a method to “print” circuit boards on my knitting machine, with materials that are inexpensive, easily available, and solderable. The method works with both traditional electronic components and with e-textile components. And while I use a knitting machine for rapid production, the materials should work fine for hand knitters.


As Seay explains in the introduction, this tutorial assumes that you already know how to knit and shows you how to integrate wiring into your knitting by design a knitting pattern that will allow you to make connections between electronic components, just like an ordinary circuit board.

Once you get the hang of it, it’s fun to turn “traditional” circuit designs into knitted circuit designs.[…] The knitted fabric is like stripboard, and each row is a track. Planning out the circuit isn’t so different from planning a stripboard circuit.

Then, just solder in your components and connect them to a power source and voilà knitted circuitry!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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