Now that I’ve gotten your attention with these hypnotically looped GIFS, I can tell you how you can make your own seamless GIFs with a tool that automatically finds perfect loops in videos. It’s called Loop Findr and it was created by Electrical and Computer Engineering student Collin Burger in openFramworks.
Since their creation in 1987, animated GIFs have become one of the most popular means of expression on the Internet. They have evolved into their own artistic medium due to their ability to capture a particular feeling and the format’s portable nature. Loop Findr seeks to usher in a new era of seamless GIFs created from loops found in the videos the populate the Internet. Loop Findr is a tool that automatically finds these loops so users can turn them into GIFs that can then be shared all over the Web.
Download Loop Findr and see more example of seamless GIFs here.
[via Prosthetic Knowledge]