Pearlie Mae's Custom Mermaid Tails - Make: Pearlie Mae's Custom Mermaid Tails - Make:

Pearlie Mae’s Custom Mermaid Tails

Craft & Design
Pearlie Mae’s Custom Mermaid Tails


If you missed The Mermaid Parade this year, then don’t fret, because Pearlie Mae is here at World Maker Faire New York to get your mermaiding feet wet with her custom mermaid tail display.


Get a close-up look at the intricate works of mermaid couture that Pearlie Mae makes and see how she casts her scales and fins in custom made resin molds. You may even get some halloween costume inspiration from her fantastic creations.


Stop by and find out more about Pearlie Mae’s tales of mermaiding. She’s friendly!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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