Zombie Cat Costume and Other Creepy Masks - Make: Zombie Cat Costume and Other Creepy Masks - Make:

Zombie Cat Costume and Other Creepy Masks

Costumes, Cosplay, and Props Craft & Design Yarncraft
Zombie Cat Costume and Other Creepy Masks

04 jean paul of the dead crouch

Still deciding on your Halloween costume this year? Artist, Ian Langohr might just inspire you with his series of dark and twisted masks. He learned the skills for making these type of heads while working at a mascot company in Toronto, ON. He was then able to take those techniques and put his own personal dark humor into them. I love his process videos, giving you a glimpse into all the steps required to put together something of this caliber. The zombie cat mask titled, Jean Paul of the Dead, was modeled after his furry little feline friend.


Just a few more of his many mask creations.


Chtulhu, 2013

nest self-portrait 08 low res web

Nest, 2009

skull hatch 02 low res web

Hatch, 2008

If you attended the Montreal Mini Maker Faire or the Ottawa Mini Maker Faire this summer, you may have had to chance to meet Ian! He loves to share his work with others, and even lets attendees try them on! Here’s a young girl wearing his Angler Fish mask (and yes it does light up!).


Check out more of Ian’s amazing work over on his website, or stay up to date with his creative projects by liking his Facebook page!

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and handmade.

agnesmakes.com @agawaffle

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