Stick Figure LED Light Costume - Make: Stick Figure LED Light Costume - Make:

Stick Figure LED Light Costume


Looking for a great last-minute Halloween costume for you or your kids? If you just happen to have a strip of LEDs available, attaching them to a black hoodie and pants in a stick figure configuration as “Visual Burrito” did might be an option.

He originally constructed one of these suits for his daughter Zoey, but the tutorial below shows the general layout of this costume for an adult. If you have any experience with electronics, building one shouldn’t be extremely complicated. Attach strips for the torso and arms to the hoodie, then bend one into a circle to attach to the actual hood. Two more strips will be attached to the pants, and all are connected so that only only one power source has to be used.

The tutorial below shows how it’s made, or you can skip to 8:47 to see it in action.

The video’s build shows a single-colored LED strip being used, which should simplify things. Obviously this will limit your lighting options versus an RGB strip. If you want to get even simpler, you can just buy one of these costumes, but given that you’re reading Make’s blog, you might not find that quite as interesting.

Another option would be to make something similar using EL wire (which we happen to sell in our Maker Shed) or strips, or you could even mock something up with glow sticks.

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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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