If you’re a restless sitter who’d like to turn your squirming into an aesthetically productive activity, then you might consider making yourself a drawing chair.
After examining the construction of an ordinary pencil, artist Rebecca Szeto took a trip to the hardware store to gather the necessary materials to build The Drawing Chair, a wooden chair with giant pencils for legs. The resulting piece of sculpture became part of a whimsical installation in which children interacted with the chair to create abstract marks on the floor.
The Drawing Chair is just one of Szeto’s recent works that considers the role of commonplace objects in our lives and how we deal with them, along with her fantastic series of Paintbrush Portraits.
My work plays with subtle shifts of perception and provides open-ended, visual prompts that encourage creative interaction and completion from the viewer.
Judging by the results of the performance, it certainly looks like a good time was had by all!