Homemade Crocheted Olaf Hat - Make: Homemade Crocheted Olaf Hat - Make:

Homemade Crocheted Olaf Hat

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Homemade Crocheted Olaf Hat


Redditor Spindleshuttleneedle wanted to buy their son a Disney’s Frozen themed hat, but they were afraid that he wouldn’t wear it, so they jut went ahead and crocheted a plain white beanie then embellished it with some amazingly accurate appliquéd details!


A few reddit commentors were so excited about this adorable hat that Spindleshuttleneedle shared their crocheted hat pattern if you’d like to give a homemade Olaf hat a crack!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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