Crochet this Adorable Big Hero 6 Baymax Hat - Make: Crochet this Adorable Big Hero 6 Baymax Hat - Make:

Crochet this Adorable Big Hero 6 Baymax Hat

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Crochet this Adorable Big Hero 6 Baymax Hat


Know a little Big Hero 6 fan who’s got Baymax on the brain? Go ahead and turn their enthusiasm into a wooly reality with this adorable crocheted Baymax hat!


The pattern is by Sarah of Repeat Crafter Me, and despite the impressive likeness to the Big Hero 6 character, she says this is actually a fairly quick pattern to make since it’s practically all one color.

[via stitcherywitchery]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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