Free Ticket To Ride: Illegal Metro Card Duplicator - Make: Free Ticket To Ride: Illegal Metro Card Duplicator - Make:

Free Ticket To Ride: Illegal Metro Card Duplicator

Free Ticket To Ride: Illegal Metro Card Duplicator



If you live in an area where the metro or subway use tickets with magnetic strips, you may have already had this idea. Can these be copied? Well, this proof of concept says yes. The device called the ticketizer literally makes copies of metro tickets. Utilizing an audio amp, a card reader, and a card writer, you can swipe your ticket and make a copy. This would allow you to essentially ride for free for as long as that system used the code. Some systems refresh their code monthly, some never.

The practicality of how long this would last isn’t the point. The user doesn’t plan on releasing the plans because, hey, this is basically stealing. It sure is an interesting proof of concept though!


I intended to make it not documented so no one can do harm with it , It supposed to be a proof of concept for a security flow of a system the is still used in some countries. The thing is working fine , I have tested and shot a video but I didn’t release it for legal issues in my country .




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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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