Giant Metal Insects Spouting Fire? Heck Yeah - Make: Giant Metal Insects Spouting Fire? Heck Yeah - Make:

Giant Metal Insects Spouting Fire? Heck Yeah

Art & Sculpture Craft & Design
Giant Metal Insects Spouting Fire? Heck Yeah
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This exhibit will be appearing at the 10th annual Maker Faire Bay Area. Don't have tickets yet? Get them here!
This exhibit will be appearing at the 10th annual Maker Faire Bay Area. Don’t have tickets yet? Get them here!

The praying mantis is truly a wonder of nature. The iconic stance and shape are known worldwide, usually causing people to take a moment to admire the mantis when it is spotted. Its predatory habits have been subject to studies both scientific and artistic for hundreds of years.

Imagine for a moment though, that you encountered a praying mantis that was 7 feet tall, made of metal, and spewing fire from its eyes! You’d likely run in fear, or at least stop to admire the artistry involved. Luckily, this 7′ sculpture called “Praying With Fire” doesn’t ever get hungry, or we’d all be in trouble!


Constructed from scrap steel, copper, brass, and various gears, belts, and other random bits, this sculpture is absolutely gorgeous.  The presence of this massive predator alone is wondrous, but the addition of fire heating your face and lighting the various bits of the sculpture really puts it over the top. If fire isn’t your thing, check it out when it is cooling down and witness the eerie green glow emanating from the creature’s body.

Created by Arcanechcanery, this impressive display will be at Maker Faire Bay Area for all to behold.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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