The 6 Best Ways to Make Ice Cream Cake — Food | Make: The 6 Best Ways to Make Ice Cream Cake — Food | Make:

The 6 Best Ways to Make Ice Cream Cake

Food & Beverage
The 6 Best Ways to Make Ice Cream Cake

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Ice cream cake is perfect for any birthday, young or old, but it can sometimes be hard to track one down. Instead of looking high and low, why not make a personalized one right at home?

There are more ways to make ice cream cake than colors in the rainbow, but here is just a sample of what you can do to get started. Once you know what you are doing, you can start incorporating more elements (brownies, cookies, candies) and get fancy with the design of your finished cake (shape your cake or stack it ten layers high)!

Basic Ice Cream Cake with Fudge/Cookie Layer

ice cream cake

If you are big fan of classic Dairy Queen cakes, then this easy ice cream cake recipe from Jessyratfink on Instructables is the way you want to go. It may take hours to actually make, because you have to wait for ice cream layers to refreeze, but it is still an easy cake to assemble.

Ice Cream Cake with Layers of Baked Cake

ice cream cake with cake

It wasn’t until I moved out to California that I saw an ice cream cake with actual cake layers, but it is an obvious pairing (I grew up with Dairy Queen cakes). Lindsey from Life, Love & Sugar has a great recipe that is easy to follow. All you really need to make this delicious recipe is cake mix and ice cream in your favorite flavors. So, instead of serving ice cream and cake at your next birthday party, why not combine the two and serve this delicious dessert!

Colored Rainbow Cake

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If you want to go with a big impact, try this beautiful rainbow ice cream cake that was made by Jenn from Cookies, Cupcakes, and Cardio. After putting down a layer of fudge and cookie crumbles, she spread on layers of vanilla ice cream dyed with gel coloring. You can stop there or add the finishing touches — cones and additional scoops of ice cream — to complete the look. Also, don’t forget the rainbow sprinkles!

Flavored Rainbow Cake

kool aid ice cream cake

If you want a colorful cake without having to use food coloring, try out this rainbow ice cream cake flavored with Kool-Aid. Jessyratfink is back with another great ice cream cake recipe that is beautiful and delicious! The drink mix adds a beautiful pastel color to each layer as well as a slightly tart flavor that goes splendidly with the layers of white chocolate ganache.

Quick and Easy Ice Cream Cake

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If these cakes look like too much to tackle, but you are still set on making one, then try this “shortcut” ice cream cake that is made by stacking ice cream sandwiches. Just layer them with your favorite sauces and top it with frosting or whipped cream and you will be set to go. The people over at Pick Your Plum were able to whip this cake together in only minutes, giving you the great taste of a traditional cake without the hours of waiting.

Rolled Ice Cream Cake

rolled ice cream cake

Have a little fun and do something different with this rolled ice cream cake. This gives you delicious cake and ice cream all together in a handy roll. It looks great and is really easy to serve up to your party guests. Dorothy from Crazy for Crust has a great recipe showing how to make one with neapolitan flavors, but don’t be afraid to try something crazy! And sprinkles, never forget the rainbow sprinkles.

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Nicole is a former Editorial Intern at Make: She is a long time maker and previously worked for (Penolopy Bulnick). Every day she is inspired by something new and wishes there was more hours in the day to make!

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