It’s the 50th anniversary of the very first Star Trek broadcast, and along with the US Post Office, which has “boldly launched” a set of commemorative Star Trek Forever Stamps, here’s a set of Star Trek projects that are really something to write home about!
Star Trek Enterprise Bridge Playset
Instructables user D_Weiberg recreated the USS Enterprise bridge in incredible detail for his son to play with!
This project started when I found my old Star Trek TOS playmates figures. I gave them to my eight year old son who had become a fan of the old show. He began building simple cardboard play pieces. Inspired by the clean wooden design of some of his other toys I set out to design and create a modular play set that he could use to assemble various rooms aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Retired software engineer and Make: contributor Roger Garrett crafted his own Galileo Shuttle from scratch.
I started my project by searching the web for photos and diagrams that I could use as the basis for my own CAD and other engineering drawings. Fortunately there are many people who have taken the time to draw up excellent engineering drawings and publish them on the web. I used many of those drawings, as well as photos of the “real” shuttle, to prepare files, mostly using Alibre CAD software, that were then used to drive a laser cutter and CNC router at our local makerspace.
If Star Trek had actually been a trek on a wooden ship that was navigated by the stars, then these Victorian-style Star Trek uniforms by Cosplay artist Genovefa might have been what the female crew members would have worn.
The folks at Croshame shared a pattern that allows you to express you inner Spock and keep your ears warm at the same time!
These little cuties will show off your nerdly Trekkie fanboy/girl status while also keeping your ears toasty warm! It’s a really quick little project that works up in under a half hour.
As long as you’re keeping your ears warm, nothing could be more logical than theses amazing socks with a portrait of Spock on them by Ravelry user gurmanfravor.
Here’s something to keep in mind this holiday season, the folks at Blackmarket Bakery gave the USS Enterprise the gingerbread treatment!
And, of course, no compilation of Star Trek projects would be complete without The Wreath of Khan!
Holiday decor and Ricardo Montalbán’s masterful performance in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan come together in this magnificently amusing “Wreath of Khan” by Annie Shapiro.