How-To: Discreet Pants Fly Checker

Craft & Design Technology Yarncraft
How-To: Discreet Pants Fly Checker


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Instructables editor Randy Sarafan created this amazingly useful tutorial that discreetly checks that your fly isn’t down and alerts when it is!

Basically, this is a device that lets you discreetly check in public whether or not your pants fly is up. By pressing a button located in the watch pocket of your pants, a small pager motor alerts you to whether or not the zipper is up. Basically, the zipper of the pants was enhanced with two strands of conductive thread which form a complete circuit when bridged. A small circuit board with a battery, button and motor attached then snaps into the watch pocket. Finally, when the button is pressed, and the zipper is closed, the circuit is completed and the motor vibrates.


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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

View more articles by Andrew Salomone


Technology Yarncraft
How-To: Discreet Pants Fly Checker


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Instructables editor Randy Sarafan created this amazingly useful tutorial that discreetly checks that your fly isn’t down and alerts when it is!

Basically, this is a device that lets you discreetly check in public whether or not your pants fly is up. By pressing a button located in the watch pocket of your pants, a small pager motor alerts you to whether or not the zipper is up. Basically, the zipper of the pants was enhanced with two strands of conductive thread which form a complete circuit when bridged. A small circuit board with a battery, button and motor attached then snaps into the watch pocket. Finally, when the button is pressed, and the zipper is closed, the circuit is completed and the motor vibrates.


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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

View more articles by Andrew Salomone


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