Adaptable Knitted Survival Clothing - Make: Adaptable Knitted Survival Clothing - Make:

Adaptable Knitted Survival Clothing

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Adaptable Knitted Survival Clothing



As unpredictable weather conditions continue to become the norm, this adaptive survival clothing project by Jacqueline Nanne could become a practical solution to dressing for the unexpected. Using temperature-sensitive memory wire, she has developed a knitted fabric with pores that open and close according to changes in temperature.

Using the great temperature and moisture regulation properties of wool and our own body as inspiration, fabrics were desiged that adapt to the temperature of the human body and the environment. The focus lies on the context of survival, as clothing plays a big role in staying alive in the wilderness. When on survival, one often adds or removes layers of clothing to keep a comfortable temperature. This design is intended to decrease the number of
times one has to stop to change clothing, and keep comfortable when for instance taking a break or when ascending a mountain.

[via Prothetic Knowledge]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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