Book Giveaway + Project Excerpt: Photojojo! by Amit Gupta with Kelly Jensen

Craft & Design Paper Crafts Photography & Video

Header Photojojobook
Photojojo Bookcover
Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas by Amit Gupta with Kelly Jensen
Book Site:
The best email newsletter hands down for photography crafts is Photojojo. Thanks to Amit’s review one year, I found my Nikon D40 and have been in love with taking photos ever since. Now Amit and Kelly wow us again with their new book, Photojojo! Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas filled with 50 projects so you can do more with all the cool photos you take. It’s not just about printing them out and making a photo album. This book shows you how to use your photos to make cool things such as a lampshade or messenger bag (pictured below).The second half of the book is like taking a photography class. You’ll learn techniques for taking better photos as well as fun ways you can experiment with different photo techniques. I love the tips on how to do digital color correcting after you’ve taken your photos. If you love taking photos and want to learn how to do more with them, this book is for you!
Photojojo Projects
Book Giveaway Time!

We are giving away 3 copies of the Photojojo! book.Just leave a comment in this post and tell us why you need this book. Please make sure you include your email address in the comment form field (won’t be published). All comments will be closed by Noon PST on Wednesday, September 23rd. The lucky winners will be announced next week on the site. Good luck!
Photojojo Photomosaic
Project: Ginormous Photo Mosaics
Even if you are living in an apartment and can’t put holes in your walls, you can still get some great art up. Download the project PDF to make this stunning photo mosaic where you’ll be able to see the wonderful memories you have of your friend and family.
(Note: If you are having problems viewing the PDF, please right-click on the link to download the file to your desktop.)

506 thoughts on “Book Giveaway + Project Excerpt: Photojojo! by Amit Gupta with Kelly Jensen

  1. Patty says:

    I really really want this book you have no idea. they have the best ideas and tips. this book would probably go in my tote bag with my camera. no need to wait to go home and jump on the computer to try to remember something you read on their website when its its readily available in book format that you can take anywhere. I’ve gotten friends hooked on the site as well. i have mad love for the folks over at Photojojo.

  2. dvq says:

    I’m an aspiring photographer AND lover of pugs (double threat). I need this book for inspiration and fill the books-with-yellow-covers void in my library.

  3. says:

    I would love the book so I can learn to do more. I just made my first ever giant mosaic.

  4. kris says:

    i give handmade for christmas, and it’s coming up fast, isn’t it? learning to use my own (exhaustive!) photo library to create personal gifts would really REALLY be awesome!

  5. says:

    hurray for photojojo! i check their site all the time for great tips and creative photo projects. i’m trying to take my photography to the next level, and i’d love to have this book. thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Laurel says:

    I would love to have this book because I want to make my pictures beautiful. I have a great camera (Nikon D40), but I don’t have the skill to make my good shots into great shots. Photoshop and comparable editing software have become more and more complex, leaving me confused as to how to best edit my pictures. I end up trying to play around, but never committing to my changes. What I need is some tips and tricks, what I need is this book! I also have tons of photos just waiting to be used for something fun!

  7. kaitlyn says:

    i have a ton of beautiful photos from our honeymoon and want to do more than a photo album, this book looks amazing! thank you.

  8. Laura says:

    I would love this book because my fiance is a photographer and I am the crafty one. I would love to add his photos to a quilt or a lamp or make cool gifts for his parents who don’t get to live surrounded by his work like we do.

  9. Lauren says:

    These are exactly the kinds of things I want to do with my tons of digital photos. Knowing which materials and techniques to use is way better than blowing a lot of cash and time on a project that doesn’t work out! I would be thrilled to get a copy of this book!

  10. Kate says:

    My fiance is getting me a camera for my birthday on Thursday (he thinks I don’t know) – but I haven’t the foggiest idea how to use it! I’d love this book to get me started!

  11. jumpyjodes says:

    please! i’ve got to have this! this can take me to the next photography step!

  12. Wendy says:

    I’d love that book because I have a photo that would be perfect for the lampshade project.

  13. kara says:

    I’ve been down lately and need something to spark up my daily routine!

  14. jules says:

    I am definitely “craft challenged”, and love taking photos of nature, my family, etc. This would breath new life into my stagnant scrapbooking ideas. Thanks.

  15. april says:

    I need this book because I just got back from a trip to the Neon Museum in Vegas. I have a ton of pictures of old neon signs and I don’t know what I should do with them!

  16. oublie says:

    well, i have the same story as most…i have a NICE camera (digital rebel) and have not used it since my honeymoon in Scotland…shame. It’s not that I don’t won’t to…i just seem to be in a creative rut! Its them main reason I have not sold anything on etsy…my pictures are boring. HELP!!

  17. schmoomom says:

    I’ve just gotten a camera for my birthday (from a wonderful husband), and I have no idea what to do with it! I need guidance! Well, I found the power and the shutter, not much else. This book is what I need to make great pics of my knitting and yarns, and my friends and family. I’ve just signed up for the newsletter (hadn’t heard of it before), and I’m hoping to get a pile of info from all of this!

  18. blueberrythecat says:

    I really do need this book because my lovely boyfriend just bought me a beautiful digital SLR (why? because I once mentioned I wanted one sometime over the last year) and I’d love to be able to use my photos for some neat, crafty stuff!

  19. Jessica Smith says:

    I need this book to give it to my sister because she is a rad photographer but doesn’t have enough things to do with her pictures.

  20. kat says:

    I love photography, and would love to be able to incorporate it into my craft projects! This book looks amazing – and I know that two of my favorite bloggers contributed ideas!

  21. Janackeh says:

    i would LOVE this book because i love crafting and takin pics..perfect!!! =)

  22. Claire says:

    I have an exam (a resit, I might add) in three days which I have to pass in order to go through to my next year at university but instead of revising, I’m commenting on this post. Why? At least if my career as an engineer doesn’t work out for me, I can console myself with awesome photographic crafts…

  23. Sarah says:

    I just got a new camera (a Nikon D40) over the summer and would love the tips on how to take better photos! And I’d love ideas on projects to do with the photos I’m taking.

  24. Heather says:

    I totally neeeeeed this book. I take photos everyday and have hard drives full of them. They are languishing without a creative outlet! Without this book, my photos will fade to pixel bits never having seen the light of day as photo chandeliers or temporary tattoos! Pleeeease? :D

  25. Katie G says:

    It’s quite likely that I might not have a job anymore, come the Holiday season. So I need to make some gifts, rather than buy them. And really, a made gift is 100000x better than a purchased gift anyway! So I would use this book to make lots of photo presents for my family…this will be our son’s FIRST Christmas, so there are so many pictures from this past year that I want to do something really special with! :)

  26. Aine says:

    I have so many photos, and not enough ideas for what to do with them. I also desperately needs tips for making my photos look better. Pick me, random number generator!

  27. Carol Ricciardi says:

    My family decided last year that we would do an entirely homemade Christmas gift exchange for this year which was prompted when one of my brothers who loves photography, gave 2 awesome pictures of some tornadoes he spotted in eastern Colorado as his gift exchange for 2008. When I first heard of this book last week, I ran down to B&N to see if they had it and sat for an hour looking at each project (yeah – they have it!) and wishing I could just bring it home with me but it’s a little pricey, (would make a great Christmas gift but then that would defeat the purpose for this year:) It’s a fantastic book with everything you need listed as well as clear directions (with pictures for step by step in most cases) soooooo – I would put this book to good use if’n I had BC (before Christmas!)

  28. jen h. says:

    This book looks so awesome! I have so many photographs that I’ve taken – which I love to do – that are just sitting on my computer…this book would be the perfect inspiration for me to actually do something with all the great shots I have!

  29. Bonney says:

    I’d really like to have this book. I am doing some photography with my daughter who is light years ahead of me. She’s not one to sit on the couch and make things so I’m trying to do something that she’s suggested. I’m sure this book could help me. (Almost anything could!!) I’d like to surprise her with some knowledge that I could pick up. Not to mention the adorable dog on the cover – and she has a frenchy too!

  30. Elisa Hutchings says:

    So this book looks so great! I used to be an avid user of photoshop but recently I’ve lost my touch and it would be great to learn new ideas for projects!

  31. Courtney Bates says:

    I am a photo junkie in every sense of the phrase. Both my sister and I are serious photographers and I’ve got hundreds of prints just stacked in my closet begging to be used. On top of that I’ve got about a million snapshots of my travels and loved ones. The traditional photo in matt or frame combo bores me, and I’m dying for some inspiration to put these awesome photos to some creative uses. I would love you, craftzine FOREVER (and that is a long ass time) if I won this book!

  32. Jen says:

    I would really love this book because I have been given photographs of my family from before my mom was even born and I would love some new inspiration! I want to do something with all of the photos for my mom and her siblings. Hopefully someone will think I’m worthy enough of winning this book!!

  33. Elisa Hutchings says:

    So this book looks so great! I used to be an avid user of photoshop but recently I’ve lost my touch and it would be great to learn new ideas for projects!

  34. franticmeerkat says:

    I need this because I have thousands of photos and need to find some creative ways to use them other than just plopping them in a frame (which I can’t seem to do either). Please!

  35. Jackie H says:

    After getting our dSLR, we’ve been innudated with lots and lots of digital photos that simply sit in our laptop or cyberspace…this would be a great inspiration to do some more, something fun with our photos! Our bulging hard drive will thank you! ;)

  36. Rani Jeannette says:

    One year ago, our three small grandchildren (ages 7, 6, and 2.5) came to live with us. Finding ourselves “renesting”, we are also realizing that it’s imperative to capture those “Kodak moments”, as they grow so fast. Even though we didn’t see ourselves parenting at this time in our lives, we are gaining much satisfaction from seeing these three little ones blossom and flourish. This book looks really good–not only does it speak to my love for creativity–it would also provide some ideas for using all of those photos we’re taking. Thank you for the opportunity to toss my name in the hat!

  37. jennie says:

    Why do I want this book? I love taking pictures and am always looking for new ideas to improve my images. My folks took great pictures of us throughout my childhood and I want my life and those of my loved ones to be creatively documented as well. I love the Photojojo newsletter but also love books and would really like to be able to check out ideas holding the book in my own two hands.

  38. Erica says:

    I’m a newbie when it comes to taking photos, so I think I could learn so much from this book!

  39. Dina says:

    If it’s funky, photo-related and from Photojojo, I need it! Thanks for a chance to win!

  40. Nicole S. says:

    The first time I heard about his book I thought it would be the perfect gift for my photo obsessed friend. Every room in her house is filled with picture frames on every surface, and every wall. Every time I go over there she has found yet another place to hang a frame. She also has an entire room dedicated to scrapbooking. I’m always trying to think of something new or unique to give her for her birthday or holidays that she doesn’t already have ten of and this book fits her photo-obsessed and DIY personality perfectly.
    Even if I don’t win, she’ll be getting this book for her birthday in November.

  41. mammaloves says:

    I’m a big fan of Photojojo and just finished an amazing photography workshop this weekend. I would love this book as for idea of more exercises to help me improve!

  42. Martina says:

    I must have this book!!! this is exactly what I’m looking for. I love playing with photos, editing, improving my skills, getting cross when something doesn’t work (not really)… I just need more ideas, tips, influence….

  43. lou says:

    I would love this book…. I am very interested in the color correcting and the DIY approach to photography. I could definitely use this book.

  44. Betsy says:

    Yay! Too many photos of cute baby girl, not enough projects. Love it! Want it!

  45. Hannita says:

    Oh, I would love love love this book. I’m just finally getting the courage to do things with my photos other than download them and stick them up on flickr and my blog. Last night (using awesome things ordered from photojojo) I even hung a few of my photographs up in my apartment. It was a big moment for me!

  46. Rose B says:

    As a photographer who is rapidly filling up her harddrive with gourgeous pictures I always need new projects to use them. Please, please, with a cherry on top, my fingers are crossed to get this book.

  47. emmy jay says:

    I need this book because I am getting own camera for my birthday in a few weeks (instead of sharing one with my SO) — what timing!

  48. says:

    I could really use a book that provides projects for my favorite photos. Thanks for giving me to opportunity to win a copy! –Jan

  49. Stephanie says:

    I used to be obsessed with taking photos but I stopped and moved on to sewing and other crafty things. I would love a reason to get back into photography!

  50. Heather - Dollar Store Crafts says:

    Because I need to have more inspirations of what to do with my photos!

  51. Jess says:

    If you would allow me the honor of owning this book, I would give it a happy home. I would nourish it daily, it would get lots of fresh air and a loving spot on my book shelf. I will put in next to only awesome books, like Craft magazine copies. It would be treated well, and I promise to never neglect it. I have many other books that can vouch for my skills as a book owner and can tell of the happy, fruitful life they lead in my home.

  52. crafty1900 says:

    I would like this book because I take lots of pictures, but have never actually had any printed. I love crafts, and also, that dog on the cover is really cute! :)

  53. Caroline K says:

    But of course that is all I want to do!

  54. Beth says:

    I need this book because I recently dropped my digital camera in a river and have reverted back to my ole cannon 35mm from the 70s. I need creative ways to transform all of my new printed photos into usable art.

  55. tara says:

    Crafty future librarian seeking keepsake projects for myself and my three-year-old son! And, being a librarian-in-training (MLIS student) you can be certain this book will be cherished and well-kept until I’m in my old age and can pass it on to someone else who will also love it dearly.
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  56. punk apple says:

    I’ll have 3 months “can’t work but have to keep myself busy with crafty ideas” time ahead starting in 2 months, and I definitely can’t stand the idea of being idle.
    After which I might be also looking at how to make half of the income from crafts…
    Last but least, I like bookcrossing so I would make a lot more people enjoy the book too :)

  57. Jessie says:

    This book looks awesome! Mostly for my husband; he takes some great photos, but you can only put so many on walls and in albums, so looking for some cool ways to display!

  58. mikomiao says:

    this would be a fab book to have for projects to do with the photos I take! ;-)

  59. Karla says:

    this book looks amazing.
    Photos have a way of changing how we view the world around us. and here is a chance of learning how to change the way we view photos. that awesome. Keep up the good work and have fun with photo’s!

  60. Jessica says:

    I didn’t even know such crafts were possible, but I now need to see that book. Some of my black and white work would be killer on a messenger bag!! The giant mosaic will be up next in my roster of unending projects.

  61. Pickled Weasel says:

    I would love to find more ways of incorporating my photos into stuff, as they are currently sitting on my PC unloved and unlooked at :(

  62. Nicole A says:

    I would love this book because I´m just majorly getting into photography this year and could really use some new DIY inspiration!

  63. Emily says:

    I’m an art nerd, but have been feeling down and uninspired lately. Don’t really have the money for art books (though I love the local library), and this sure looks like a fun pick-me-up to get me making stuff again instead of wallowing. Rock on.

  64. Ashleigh says:

    This book looks wicked (the lamp! how cool!)… I’m getting back into photography and would love to try out the ideas in this book… though I might also feel compelled to give it (lend it?!) to a friend who is also getting super into photography. Either way I’ll add Photojojo to my blog reading list – thanks for sharing!

  65. Corvus says:

    Photography is a long-time hobby of mine. I hope to be getting a new camera soon (after my last one spontaneously died), so this book would be perfect inspiration!

  66. Beth P. says:

    I need this book to inspire me to get more photos off of my memory cards and into the world!

  67. mofrost says:

    I just spent all my money on a Nikon D5000, and I am in love. But I could use some instruction/ inspiration. Thanks

  68. Jenna Smith says:

    Oh, what a wonderful book! Plenty of grand ideas for all those classic family photos I have. I’d love to turn all those pictures of those I love into something functional! I need this book!

  69. imalisawork says:

    This is the first I’ve heard of Photojojo!, and by the looks of it I have a lot of catching up to do!

  70. bliss&blatt says:

    Unemployed designer here who would love to own this book for inspiration and general happiness.

  71. bliss&blatt says:

    Unemployed designer here who would love to own this book for inspiration and general happiness.

  72. bliss&blatt says:

    Unemployed designer here who would love to own this book for inspiration and general happiness.

  73. Wehaf says:

    I need this so I can kill two birds with one stone: finally do something with my photographs of Mexican ruins, and make some decor for my new digs.

  74. Isabel says:

    I want this book! Lately Ifeel my head empty, I’d use this book for new ideas :D

  75. Claudia says:

    I need this book to motivate me to do something with my photography and perhaps find a new career…or at least make my current job for tolerable. I am new at photography and need a boost!

  76. Tina L Miklas says:

    Please enter in the book giveaway.
    Thanks a million!

  77. Tara says:

    Long time subscriber to photojojo- but the e-mails become part of the bigger e-mail clutter. My sad photos can use some help and my bookshelf craves this book.

  78. noribeads says:

    this would be a great help to me! I need help taking better pics for my online shop as well as new crafts (cuz you just can’t have too many hobbies!)

  79. Sarah says:

    I would love to improve the quality of my photos. And I would love to have fun craft ideas of things to do with my improved pics!

  80. Enjulee says:

    This book looks awesome! I volunteer on saturday’s teaching young kids and teens arts and crafts. This book would be a great teaching addition.

  81. drea says:

    When I am not working, I spend all of my free time making things…(ok, sometimes when I am supposed to be working too). I am an arts and crafts junkie and I would happily binge out on the photo book.

  82. Stacy says:

    I could use this book because I have a TON of photos that I do absolutely nothing with. I would love to get some inspiration!

  83. Deanna Johnson says:

    Love the idea of using photographs in Crafts – this book sounds very cool. I tweeted about it when I first saw the announcement. Can’t wait to actually see the book and try some awesome projects.

  84. Melissa says:

    I NEED this book because I have tons of work and personal photos that I would love to see displayed.

  85. schnetzy says:

    I love taking photos and I have 1000s. But I never know what to do with them. I see people using photos on fabric and such and I wish I knew how. The photo on the lampshade–amazing! Please help me find creative ways to display my photos–my walls are running out of room for just plain framed photos…Also, any new and creative ways to take pictures is always fun…Thanks!

  86. Jenni says:

    I need this book because my pay got cut for the third time this year and I don’t see an end in sight as we just had layoffs last Thursday (I’m safe though, thankfully). Photography is one of the few things that make me happy and I enjoy Photojojo e-mails every week to bring me tiny bursts of joy. I need this book to bring me joy. Yes, I just tried the self-pity route, but seriously, I need this.
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway! :)

  87. Jillian L. says:

    It looks so good!

  88. oliveme says:

    Hi Craftzine Team!
    I’m a teen librarian in inner city Kansas City MO. My library is currently being renovated to provide our teens with their own space! The area teen have made the library their second home and now they will have their own space with a large and teen oriented collection. I would love to be able to give the teens the “Photojojo!” book for their new space, who knows what beauty it will inspire.
    Thank you for considering the Bluford Teens!

  89. William Corona says:

    I need this book because ever since I found Photojojo I’ve been more and more interested in and excited about photography and I am big on crafting and DIY. Photojojo is the first REALLY GREAT site I’ve found that gives me ideas of what to do with the many photos I’ve taken over the years, both film and digital. PLUS, I’m a broke college student who can barely afford film and photo paper for my photo class(not to mention the crazy-expensive textbooks required for every other class) and I can honestly say that it is thanks to photojojo that I am going to major in photography! So you see, this book needs to be part of my life…like my little photo-DIY bible. :]

  90. Cindy Franklin says:

    Hi, I was going to wax poetic about how much I need the book to complete me when I saw the post from the librarian about the teen space. Please give them a copy and if one of the remaining two were to come to me. . . .well, I wouldn’t complain! Great promotion of a fun book.

  91. Lo says:

    i need this book because i am a starving student!! i try to be eco-friendly and non-wasteful to the max, yet all of the supplies necessary to do it yourself or to choose the most eco-friendly option are always so expensive. this would be a nice treat for me to make gifts for my friends and family.

  92. Elizabeth says:

    I work at a girls’ school, helping teachers and students do cool things with technology and digital media. I’m a big fan of the PhotoJojo website, and I’d love to have this book for inspiration.

  93. Barb says:

    WOW. I’ve never been to photojojo before reading this post, but I think maybe I’m about to learn to use a camera! I carry one around with me, but my photos suck. SLR, focal length, lens length, flash or no, geesh! I’m just scratchin’ my head and feeling like an idiot. And I can’t figure out how to do anything with them in photoshop, etc., mostly because I’m a technophobe. At 55 it’s all a bit intimidating! But I’m truckin’ on, determined to figure this out. Really. Great site there – this ol’ dog’s gonna learn some new tricks! Thanks!

  94. Austin Shaffer says:

    For the last year I’ve been morafty with my hands than with a camera, making cd cases from recycled materials, dollar bill creatures, plush toys, etc., etc… but nothing has given me the satisfaction that photography has. And that is where Photojojo comes in! I can continue to be crafty and still have a photographic image as the focus of any project I decide to start. Plus, I don’t have access to the internet often, so the book form of all their newsletters sure would be helpful.

  95. Amy B. says:

    As I work my way along the photography learning curve, I find myself having more and more fun! I have a long way to go, though. I’d love to have such a great resource to refer to! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  96. Belinda P says:

    I am a poor but creative creature. Any craft book that I want, I check out from the library, because buying them is out of my budget. I relish any crafty book that is gifted to me and if I feel that a crafty book would be better suited somewhere else, or with someone else, I make sure to move it along.
    If I win Photojojo’s awesome book, it would infuse my life in a different type of craftiness. I do freelance photography, exploring photoshop constantly. I am sure this book would push my creative endeavors even further.

  97. Laura Stewart says:

    great looking book

  98. Marsha says:

    I need this book because my photography is stuck in a rut and I need to shake things up a bit!

  99. tasha_w says:

    The two little monkeys that are disguised as my children have drained me of all energy, and my creative soul- which I still suspect lurks there.. needs an awakening! So pleeeeeze. I’d so love this book. I may even love it so much I’ll have to buy a copy for a friend!

  100. caroline says:

    i’ve been getting the photojojo newsletter for awhile now and i LOVE it…there are always such creative ideas in there…i would LOVE to see what’s in the booK!

  101. Brooke says:

    Photojojo online newsletter connected me to my first online sewing tutorial (Pink Penguin camera case). Have been loving photography AND sewing ever since!

  102. gretchen/juneatnoon says:

    I’d like to win this book because I like the idea of new inspiration for using my photos. But more than that, I could really use a photography course that I don’t have to attend in person!

  103. Deirdre says:

    I need this book because I love photojojo. They inspire me. They keep the Phun in Photography.

  104. chaerin says:

    I would love to have this book so I wouldn’t have to always flip open my photo albums in order to see my pictures. I’d be able to see them all over the place!

  105. Nicole says:

    I need this book because I want to get the gazillion adorable photos of my boys off the computer and into my home!

  106. carolina says:

    i’m always checking out photojojo for new ideas…
    i guess i need this book cause i dream of taking a lot of cool pictures with the camera that i recently got that i haven’t had the chance to fully use =(
    i only use it for school, which is quite handy, but i would love to fill my life with photography love.

  107. Library.Lil says:

    I am in the process of buying a house, and would love to be able to decorate with my new Photojojo projects! I am currently collecting number pictures for the perpetual calender I saw on their website.
    Emily Leachman, Charlotte, NC

  108. anna9196 says:

    4 months ago i purchased a nikon d40 on a credit card that had 20.99% apr. not because i am a great photographer who deserved such a gift but because it was my gift to myself after deciding at 31 that i would be divorcing my husband and raising my 3 children in a environment that did not stifle passion, dreaming and magic…but one that promoted such healthy behavior. i love to surround myself with beautiful and inspiring things.
    and thank you for introducing me to photojojo!

  109. Teddi says:

    I would love the instructional part for photography and be really interested in checking out the awesome photo craft ideas.

  110. Linnea Barton says:

    I am the adviser for a college photography group. We would all LOVE this and many would get a chance to reap the benefits from its amazing creativity! Please consider us! Thanks so much for all you do,

  111. Elnora says:

    Okay, I don’t need this book, but I really, really would love to have it. Is that good enough? I use Photoshop Elements to make scrapbooks and other items for my nieces and nephews. My photography is the weak link in my skills chain. Would love to amp up my skills with this book. Thanks for jumping on the fun train.

  112. Bex says:

    I am currently unemployed and living so far under the poverty line that it feels hard to surface. Most of my loved ones have birthdays in September and October, and usually, I would make them presents, but I’ve just started studying again to get myself out of this rut, and a Graphic Design folio workload is pretty hard to craft around.
    Mostly, at birthday times, people understand when I come empty handed. But my glorious partner (who has been keeping me alive, emotionally and monetarily) has a birthday soon, and while I know she doesn’t expect a present, I’d really love to give her one.
    She struggles to access her creativity, but photography is a particular area of interest to her, and I would love to be able to encourage that. This book would be an awesome solution.
    *end sad story*

  113. Nova says:

    I’d like to do something other than frame my pictures.

  114. Angie says:

    Have ever since I first noticed a totally awesome calendar project they posted using photos of numbers about a year ago. CRAFT is awesome, too, for all the cool projects and hey! Book giveaways. But I recently got a new camera. And will start taking a photography class in a couple weeks. So it would be MOST awesome to be able to do something out of the ordinary.

  115. Taylor says:

    I need this book! I’ve been struggling a lot lately with what to do with all the photos I’ve got after I get them developed. They end up just sitting in a box somewhere in the envelopes from the photo finishing place. This book sounds perfect!

  116. Kristin Pladson says:

    So many reasons why I should receive one of these books:
    1) It’s my birthday on September 23rd. Woohoo!
    2) With a husband, two-year old dog, and a growing family in the future, I would love to start playing with new, creative ways to bring our photos and memories into our every day lives
    3) I’m only beginning to learn how gorgeous photographs can come from the simplest details and want to spread these beautiful sights throughout our home
    4) Did I mention it’s my birthday?

  117. Scott Coulter says:

    I love the photojojo site, and would love to have the book because I’m always looking for ways to get the rest of my family as excited about the photography as I am… I bet there’s lots of stuff in this book that would capture their attention and imagination.

  118. Rachel says:

    I love photography and its great finding new sources of inspiration, and this book would be great for that!

  119. Jeanne says:

    I need this book because I’m flat broke and have been sneaking over to the book store on my lunch break and reading it!

  120. Karen Li says:

    Love taking photos, but never get around to printing them… Could use more nifty ideas to take ’em to the next level.

  121. scribbles says:

    i’m a big fan of their site and well having something tangible is probably even better and cooler!

  122. Blaize says:

    I have (let me check the most recent numbers)…66 GB of photos on my secondary hard drive, the one I had to put in because I maxed out the other one. Please give me something to do with a small portion of this madness.

  123. Avital says:

    I follow Photojojo religiously and love their projects! I carry a camera everywhere, try to take better photos every day, and I want to display them. I’ve been crafty since I was a little kid, so Photojojo naturally bridges the two.

  124. jenny says:

    I need this book because I have a ton of photos that I would love to turn into gifts for friends… because I’ll have no money for gifts this christmas time! GIMME IDEAS BOOK. COME TO ME.

  125. Kristen k says:

    im finally upgrading from my ‘point and shoot’ cannon to a nikon d60, this book would be great inspiration for my new camera!

  126. Joseph Cote says:

    I recently upgraded from a Nikon D40 to a D90, and I’m loving every second of the upgrade! I try to take photos everyday for a 365 project on Flickr, but recently I’ve really gotten into a rut and I can’t seem to get out!!!

  127. Michaelinitaly says:

    I am an American living in Italy. If you have ever been here, I need not say more. It will drive you crazy when you read about all the great new gadgets that you can drop into B&H or elsewhere to pick up. There is not one decent camera store within 4 hours of my house. The closest one is in Rome and they only carry items like camera bodies, lens and tripods. Nothing extra.. So I need to make everything. I wait for each new issue of the newsletter like a kid waiting for Christmas and even then it is a challenge to make the things you talk about. PVC pipe for a gimble for a Steadicam? good luck! Rubber plunger for a close up lens… maybe in a few years. I need all the ideas I can get! Ziploc bag for a quick camera cover for the beach lol… if only. I had a box of Ziplocs sent to me and I had one on my camera this past summer on the beach and someone (another American) walked up and asked if I was American..please please please (I have an American mailing address!)

  128. tracy_rolling says:

    I need this book because I can’t afford to take a photo class and I need to learn some better photography techniques. Also, I will use the inspiration it contains for good rather than evil. Most of the time.

  129. tracy_rolling says:

    I’m not sure you have my email in case I get lucky. The comment form has no email field for me, signed in with my LJ log in. I have a gmail account under tracy.rolling

  130. brinnet says:

    This book looks so fun and inspirational! I actually have it on my wish list already, which I look at and lust after when I’m feeling uncreative.
    …but do I need it? No. My camera seems to believe that it does, though. We all need a meaning in life.
    Email: brinnet{at}

  131. Rubbish Rabbit says:

    I do craft and DIY projects and my boyfriend does photography. This would be the perfect book to unite our passions!

  132. Silvia says:

    ….because…ok, my boyfriend is a great naturalist, great photographer but is a liiiiittle skeptical about my POTENTIAL DIY skills…
    I want to prove him that I am as capable as him and it will be awsome to do with YOUR book and HIS photographs….
    my contribution to future projects?
    mhmm, let me think…

    (Rome, Italy)

  133. Fleur says:

    It would be silly to say that I NEED this book, of course I continue to live not having it. But it would be nice to have it, it looks marvelous. Anyone who visits this blog of craftzine regularly will probably love it, because of the fun concepts that are in it. I already have some new ideas!

  134. chris cook says:

    i have been a photojojo fan for as long as i’ve had a computer! but long before that, i was fascinated with photography. in the intervening years there has been five kids, several trips to europe (including 8 to romania!), birthdays, holidays, graduations, nieces and nephews, grandmas and grandpas, sunrises and sunsets, MLB games and little league, missing teeth, broken arms, fresh flowers, weird bugs, two dogs, and more miscellany than i can catalogue. the photojojo book would be an essential help in bringing some of these gems out of their albums and into our lives. thanks! chris

  135. majeral says:

    Oh I have just got a new Mac Mini and a new camera lets put them together!! I know very little about “REcreating” my photos this looks like a good place to start

  136. MarshaMarsha says:

    Looks like some great projects. More incentive to get my photos off the computer and into art and some useful and fun displays

  137. coco says:

    and then never looking at them again!

  138. coco says:

    …..and then never looking at them again!

  139. coco says:

    It beats filing all my photos then never looking at them again!

  140. Allie says:

    I’d love to have this book. My husband and I are always taking pictures and then wondering.. well, what do we do with them now that they’re all uploaded to the computer? I love crafting and would absolutely LOVE to learn a few things from a book like this!

  141. lowrah says:

    I love photojojo. I am going to order a book for my sister, I would love to win one for myself!!

  142. Pam says:

    I absolutely love Photojojo!
    I am working on making photography more than a hobby and their unique ideas far surpass anyone anywhere!!
    This book would be a big help to me and become my Photo Bible so to speak!!

  143. Katrin says:

    I absolutly love to take pictures, my favorite cameras are a 30 year old slr and a 60 year old agfa isolette camera… I love black and white and develop my own film and print them…
    it would be great to have some more ideas what to do with the pictures….

  144. Jennifer says:

    I have SO many pictures of my 18 month old nephew, and this book would help me put them to good use!

  145. Cristi says:

    I am a huge fan of photojojo and love the way they have made me look at my photography again. Why wouldn’t I want to have a copy of the book and get so many more ideas!?!

  146. kevcraft says:

    Photography has been my passion for quite a few years now. I shoot any format from toy cameras to manual B&W. I would love to win a copy of this book to learn even more fun ways to express my self through images.
    Photography 4 evah

  147. Bromeliad says:

    Would love this for a gift for a friend who has micro documented his child’s growth via photos.

  148. mary allison cates says:

    oooohhh, i need this book. it would open up a whole new crafting arena for me!
    mary allison

  149. Angie says:

    I love photojojo and I would love to get a copy of this book because I cannot often afford to buy all of the cool new technology, but photojojo always has great ideas about how to photograph on a budget!
    Thank you!!

  150. patricia says:

    I really need this book because I just know how to take my camera from bag, shoot everywhere and everything and upload photos to the computer. I need ideas and more ideas and of course a photographic workshop too (photojojo, do ‘you’ want to pay me a workshop too? huh?). Ohh and I love books and diy ideas (though my diy projects never run so well but I insist, I insist …). So this book is ideal for me to insist a little more.

  151. Julia Pineda says:

    I have been feeling a little blah in my photo taking and this is just what I need to spice things up.

  152. conniereed56 says:

    I would love to win this book, not only would it inspire me, it would be an awesome gift to give my daughter for Christmas. Please pick me!

  153. Problem Solvin Mom says:

    With 2 lovely little girls to take endless photos of and lots of relatives that don’t “need” anything for holidays, I love giving photo gifts…I could definitely use some new inspiration!! :)

  154. gabriella Mendez says:

    I take photos and craft, I think this book would really help me hope I win. thanks

  155. Kelly Miller says:

    Without this book, I would not be able to comprehend how to accomplish completing these types of projects :P

  156. Chrissy says:

    I NEED this book! My creative juices are all dried up and I need fresh ideas, especially since my first grandchild will be born next spring and I KNOW I’ll be wearing out my camera then!

  157. Elizabeth says:

    Living in Liberia has its perks, but DIY book availability is not one of them. I would love this book to be able to put to use some of the amazing photos of life in the streets I’ve been able to take during my time here. In addition I’m planning a year’s worth of travel soon so I’ll have many more photos with which to craft and display when I return. Hope you choose me!

  158. Molli says:

    This book is right up my alley!

  159. Shala says:

    I love the website, and love taking pictures. The tips and projects are so great.

  160. Crafty Pack Rat says:

    I love photojojo’s projects and ideas! I really want this book to start making some of them! I just got into photography and photojojo is making it so much more interesting for me. Thanks photojojo!!

  161. betsyk says:

    I’ve been waiting for a book like this! as always, I’m sure I need it much, much more than everybody else who only said they need it…

  162. Karen in KS says:

    I am fairly new to photograohy, other than taking family pics, and would love to have this book to create all sorts of wonderful projects. I love photojojo and have learned so much from them!

  163. Samantha says:

    I have been looking forward to this book since I first heard about it. Photojojo is one of my daily websites and I would LOVE to have this book. As a graphic designer, it is definitely a place to go to for new tips and techniques to improve my photography.

  164. Cat says:

    I would SO love this book! I never know what to do with all my photos.

  165. Jolanda says:

    Love this project for my “floozie” friends (girlfriends). Always looking for something special to make for xmas exchange.

  166. tmogs says:

    I would looooooooove a copy of this extraordinary book! I have thousands and thousands of pictures of my nieces and nephew and am constantly struggling with new ideas of what to do!!!

  167. Lucy Blue Studio says:

    I have over 1TB of photos sitting on my hard drives. They need some love and to see the light of day. Phototjojo’s new book would be the perfect solution to having too many photos and not enough ideas to use them all :)

  168. Chelsea S. says:

    I would LOVE to win this giveaway because Photojojo has the best projects! I used their DIY tutorial to make a photojournal for my friend’s birthday last year and she loved it. I have a ton of pictures and love doing projects with them for my friends as thoughtful gifts.

  169. qrious says:

    Like most folks entering this giveaway, I don’t need, but sure would love, to have this book. Thanks to a tip on Craftzine, I’ve been enjoying my subscription of Photojojo newsletters; so I’m throwing my hat into the ring. Good luck everyone!

  170. Lynn says:

    Awesome giveaway. I do really like their sight, and would love their book to give to my hubby for our anniversary!

  171. Caroline says:

    I need this book because I’m always looking for ways to add my stamp to my new home.

  172. Malinda says:

    they have such a great site with tons of info! I’m so glad they put out a book.

  173. Jessica Savage says:

    I need this book because Christmas is coming fast and I still haven’t decided what to make for some of the people on my list!

  174. Jodie Cord says:

    I would love to win this book because I take over 5000 digital pictures every year and too many of them never get printed because I don’t know what to do with them.

  175. linda v says:

    i want to win this book because i need insanely great photo projects and DIY ideas, because my ideas are not that insanely great…

  176. Benji D says:

    I need this book and I will tell you why
    in this wry time
    of fog-laden skyscrapers
    and heavy metal makers
    that the lens is a chance
    to make amends
    to this earth and this sky
    that we live inbetween
    you know what I mean?
    We need to dedicate
    this whirlwind of chance
    by hook or by crook
    this book will be mine.

  177. Josh says:

    I have the pictures. I just need to find the most creative way to display them so I can give them as gifts this Christmas.

  178. Netta Marshall says:

    I need this book because my new apartment has nothing on it’s boring white walls.

  179. richard c says:

    I love to be creative and I’m working on a business in portrait photography. A lot of the times I take my girlfriend out with me doing self timed portrait shots of us and she totally loves all of them. Instead of just getting them printed and hanging up on the wall, I’d love to get this book to show my girlfriend a little more we can do together. Especially with our 3 year anniversary / xmas coming up. This would be the book of choice for the both of us.

  180. Laurel Emmons says:

    I would love to win the Photojojo Book to pass on their legacy of great photography + killer DIY projects to my kids, ages 3 + 5. C’mon, give my kids this chance to bypass the awkward stage of photography where they take photos of everything, print nothing, and lose interest until they one day have kids of their own and hit “awkard” once again.
    Let them revel in the awesome wit that is Photojojo’s teaching style and rejoice in the homemade home decor created from what their eye captures and Photojojo helps them create.
    Do it for the (my) kids!

  181. Mimi A. says:

    I’ve got some mojo for the Jojo! I host a craft group and we are always looking for new and wonderful things to do and talk about at our meetings. Winning a book would help inspire not just me but every member of a group that I have worked so hard to keep juices flowing. (Plus, showing them the book might also inspire them to get the book at the bookstore where I work!)
    Plus, I have entered soooo many book givaways and have never won a one. It would be tres fabu to win one from YOU!! Thanks!!

  182. Linda says:

    I can always use ideas on how to present my photos!

  183. snickel says:

    I need this book because it looks awesome.

  184. amancay says:

    I need the book… because I like to keep my creativity fresh, and I’m always looking for new ways to use my own images. Plus I’d love to use it to inspire clients to pull out their images and have fun with them in new ways!

  185. richard cao says:

    Being creative and crafting is one of the things me and my girlfriend enjoy together. With my career path in portrait photography i take tons of photos of our life together, but never get a chance to do too much with them. With christmas around the corner and soon a 3 year anniversary. This would be the best win ever for the both of us to enjoy.

  186. Michelle says:

    I have a D40 camera and am currently running out of memory on both my desk top and lap top and have not managed to do anything at all creative with the cazillion pictures we have! I would love the book for some guidance on getting the creative juices flowing past the point of downloading the photos off of my camera! lol

  187. Gutterbunny says:
    I’ve read some of these responses and how will you ever choose a winner?
    Why choose me? Well why not?! I could go into much detail about the way life is right now, but I”m in the same boat as many others. Life is not a rosy as it once has been and that takes a toll. Having anything to look forward to is a good thing, and hey, I look forward to the possibility of winning Photojojo’s GREAT NEW BOOK! If I was a winner of this book there would actually be TWO winners. My daughter AND I would share in this great gift. It would be wonderful. Fingers crossed.

  188. cangmom says:

    My daughter takes wonderful pictures and is always looking for techniques/tips to improve her shots. This would be a perfect gift for her.
    Thanks for your consideration.

  189. Gutterbunny says:

    urghhh, the instructions said to put email in comment section and that email would NOT be shown. *frustrated*

  190. Matt Tinsley says:

    I’m an aspiring student photographer, and many times find myself lacking inspiration. A wonderful book like this is an incredible motivator and encouraging tool for the DIY photographer (me!). I’m afraid, as a student, I don’t have the funds to purchase the book right now, but hey, that’s what the contest is for, right?
    Thanks Craftzine, you guys rock!

  191. Tammy L. says:

    my interest in taking pictures has been tapering off, because my interest in scrapbooking has waned. i think this book will give me a lot of fresh ideas about other ways that i can use photos. it may even change what i view as photograph-worthy.

  192. Amanda Melton says:

    I need this book because I am inspired just by looking at the cover! I want to discover the awesomeness inside!

  193. Katelyn says:

    As a student photographer, I’m always looking for new and interesting projects. Some of the ideas help spice up assignments that would otherwise be boring. This book would be awesome!

  194. Alli_Lucy says:

    How did I miss this book on the horizon?! It looks fantastic. I received my first DSLR this past winter, and have been absolutely obsessed with photos ever since. I look at the world in an entirely different way than I used to! I would love to add this book to my shelf – I think it would become one of my major sources for photography and photo craft inspiration.

  195. Kimberly-Ann says:

    I have a wonderful camera, I have lots of ideas… but the two do not yet ‘mesh’!! I’d LOVE to personalise projects more with my own photos and take ideas from this book and develop them further into new ideas.. then take better photos and turn them into better projects!

  196. pawdua says:

    Completely awesome, I could redecorate the undecorated apartment with some of the boxes of pictures taken of my beautiful 9yo. Finally something cool to do with them.

  197. Beth says:

    I need this book because I take too many boring pictures and I need to know how to take interesting pictures. I also need the inspiration from this book!

  198. Janet says:

    I want to challenge myself creatively, and I hope I can integrate the ideas mentioned in this book with my own video and design work. :)

  199. Mark Klein says:

    I need this book because I used to be a picture taking fiend, but then all my equipment got stolen out of my parents van when i was picking them up at the airport! Currently, I’m getting back into photography on more than a point and shoot basis and want to make something of it. That is why i need this book, because it’ll help keep me fresh and give me new perspective!

  200. wendy says:

    I need this book so that I can learn to do all the uber-cool things that I see other people doing with their cameras and their photos. I MUST learn to do those things. Must. Therefore, I need the book. Need.

  201. AS says:

    I would love this book because I have loads of photos and need more ideas of things to make with them! Also, I am in the process of opening my own craft business (for the first time!) and the inspiration would be fantastic!

  202. Jen S says:

    This book would be great to have – just in time for starting Christmas gifts!

  203. superstitches says:

    I would love to have this book. I could really use the tips on taking better pics and great ways to use them.

  204. mari says:

    I want this book because I need all the help I can get when working with my photos.

  205. smanderson says:

    I’ve changed my major twice to where I’m finally where I want to be, Multidisciplinary Fine Arts, where I am able to work in two mediums fibers and photography. Once I heard about this book I knew I had to figure out a way to obtain it, this may just be my chance. This book is perfect for me because I believe it will help me jump start my ideas and inspire me to create wonderful pieces of art.

  206. norarachel says:

    The book looks like a lot of fun! I need the book for inspiration. I have infant twins and want some fun ways to capture their early days, but since I am not getting a lot of sleep I need help with ideas.

  207. Nina says:

    I need this book because I just got a new digital camera for my birthday and have been taking a tone of photos. I need some ideas for fun photo projects!

  208. dyn says:

    because I have no art on my walls (sad, I know). This book looks fun and not intimidating.

  209. dyn says:

    because I have no art on my walls – sad, I know. These projects look fun and not intimidating at all – maybe there is hope for our blank walls yet!

  210. evelis says:

    I love to make pictures with my old cameras, but my latest wish is to create something advanced with them, like funny photo albums. I bet this book would be a great inspiration and would also help to break through my laziness and lack of time.
    And I also need to make some great Christmas presents for my friends;)

  211. Aneesah says:

    I’ve been a Photojojo subscriber for awhile, and the book looks super exciting. I’m one to say it’s not about the gear you have, but the skills and techniques used.

  212. Morgan says:

    I need this book because I need to make that lamp shade in the picture. That is SO COOL!! I have a lamp that that would be perfect for, and then my apartment would be the most beautiful around, and I would become the most popular gal on my block, and my life would be perfect, and I would probably be inspired to come up with the cure for cancer and a way to solve world hunger and this global warming crap. So you see, it’s not just for ME that I want to win, it’s really for the good of the world. Thanks in advance! I promise to give a shout out to y’all in my Nobel Prize speech(es)!!

  213. Don Juanila says:

    I gotta AMIT, I am practiKELLY salivating at the thought of laying my hands on a copy of this gem!
    I don’t have a Nikon x3600RdSLRmax (so I NEED this to cover the gaping hole in my life!! :P) but I am sure this could help even the lamest of my pictures look shexy.
    Keep up the good work guys! Nila

  214. Lisa says:

    Why? Because I looooove taking photos but have absolutely nooooooo know-how beyond focusing on what I think looks pretty, and shooting. I could use some tips and ideas. Big time. :D

  215. Maggi says:

    I need this book because, ever since the rise of digital photography, all my images stay in the computer. This book will help them escape to greatness!

  216. Amy -My Saturnalia says:

    I would love to check out this book. I am just starting out my own etsy fine art photography shop and I am always looking for inspiration and new ideas. Especially to share with my family.
    Also my 35th birthday is next Monday…it would make a great bday present!!

  217. Nicole Falk says:

    I need this book because I am a professional photographer (for about 10 years now!) and lately I’ve been lacking some fresh ideas!!! Please HELP! Also I am preggers and will have oodles of little toes & fingers to take, and I need help on what to do with all the pics!! PLEASE SEND ME THIS BOOK!!! :)

  218. Elaine says:

    I’d love to win this book because I’m clueless about all things photographic and would like to remedy that situation.

  219. chanelle richardson says:

    i need it…because it is awesome.
    because i have no less than 572934862986491029739802 photos i need to create cool projects with.
    the end.

  220. Gigi says:

    Wow, this book looks so cool. I would really love this book because I’ve been working on improving my photography skills and would love to do something better than just keeping the photos on my computer or putting them in frames.

  221. gretchen downey says:

    My daughter would love this book!

  222. Rachel J says:

    I’d love to become a better photographer, but don’t have the time and money to take a class. Plus, I love DIY projects!

  223. Stefanie says:

    I need this book because I’m an amateur photographer with a simple point-and-shoot camera, and would love some photo tips and ideas on how to use them!

  224. Eric F says:

    I think this book would be awesome so I can make my incredible girlfriend some beautiful displays for her barren apartment.

  225. amie says:

    i want to win this book – i’ll probably buy it either way, but winning would be more fun! i love photography & DIY projects.. perfect combo

  226. sandra says:

    i would love this book because i have a lot to learn and what better help than with this book? love photojojo!

  227. Ninotchka says:

    I need this book because I’m a crafty chick who loves all things photography (including Photojojo) and I don’t want to have to wait until my birthday in December to get my hands on it. ;)

  228. Chuck says:

    I’d love to win this book. I take pictures of babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the parents on the PAC could create great items for the families in the NICU to help bring so joy and stress relief.

  229. KatieBig says:

    Hey, I really think I should get a book because I am trying to get my creative juices flowing again but am out of ideas. I am going to school for photog. but need more ideas to get going. I love doing artistic stuff.
    PLEASE can i have a book?!

  230. m. a. d. says:

    Man, who wouldn’t want a book full of excellent photography tips and projects from the folks at Photojojo? Plus, it couldn’t hurt to brush up on my photography skills! Most of all, my loved ones live far away and I’d love to send them handmade gifts made with the photos I take. <3

  231. Rachel S. says:

    I need this book, because the past year has taken a toll on me creatively. A house fire (with hundreds of old photos, and most of my early work destroyed) and a layoff within 6 months of each other negatively impacted my photography work. For a while, I considered giving it up all together. I’d love to become inspired again, and try out all of the wonderful ideas in the book. Not to mention staring at the cover photo of that gorgeous dog all day would instantly make anyone happier!

  232. Zi says:

    And many others’ who are around me with my DIY projects from it :”) Hope to get it!

  233. fortuitous faery says:

    i love photography, and believe that there’s no such thing as getting too much tips about it! this book offers a lot of creative projects with our photos!
    plus, it’s my birthday month…so maybe my birthday star would grant me this book! :P

  234. Sarah L. says:

    I need Photojojo because I have lost my photo mojo! I used to be a shutterbug, but I am so overwhelmed by all the cool things people are doing with digital photography, my point-and-shoot technique doesn’t stack up anymore. Help me get my mojo back!

  235. joy says:

    my partner’s a photograph and i know would absolutely love this perfect gift full of new/creative ideas.

  236. redzipstar says:

    Ooo, just making the deadline…
    My best friend is a great photographer and has dabbled in using her photos in new crafty ways. She now lives in a new city and works from home with lots of crafting space. As a giveaway winner I would give her this great book as a housewarming gift, to inspire her to use her beautiful photos all over the new house.

  237. Maga says:

    I am an amateur photographer and amateur crafter, this book seems like an excellent way to bring this two passions of mine together. It would be awesome to win Photojojo, good luck to everyone.

  238. Jill says:

    It seems that everyone everywhere titles themselves as “photographer” anymore. And this over abundance of fake art has left me tred on in my desire to create authentic photographs. This book may not help, but let’s hope that it does! Yeah?

  239. Deb says:

    I am a photographer w/ 2 kiddos and zero prints in my house. I am finally looking to decorate my house and do not want the standard photo wall.
    This book will inspire and hopefully make my art into even better art that is not boring and I will finally get my house decorated.

  240. Saswell says:

    As the saying goes…’a picture speaks a thousand words’. A book of pictures speaks volumes (my bit!)

  241. Jaci says:

    I could really use a little creativity right about now so this book would be perfect!

  242. samsstuff says:

    I need this book because I love photography & these are some of the coolest projects I’ve ever seen. I need to make them all!

  243. Jen says:

    Huge fan of both craftzine and of photojojo. Thanks for doing the giveaway! Looking forward to buying this book if I don’t win it!

  244. Josep Ortega says:

    I need it! Barcelona needs a copy of your fabulous book :)

  245. ROS says:

    I would love to find new projects to do and get inspired again!

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    There is not any special that means concerning the Scorpion. This vivid and also humorous scorpion is created simply by glowing blue enameled surface as well as dark nickel hardware. There will be the Gucci emblem about the clasp bottom. I imagine that the scorpion clasp is the heart and soul and also essence of this custom belt. This african american leather-based belt actions 1.6 in . broad and it is offered at a cost associated with $325.00. Before purchasing this type of chic belt, you have to find out his / her size. Measure on the waist regarding his / her trousers and also size-up 1-2 sizes. Now this kind of belt will be available at an entire selection of sizes.

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