Book Review + Giveaway: Felt Me a Smile

Craft & Design

Header Feltmeasmile

Felt Me a Smile by Toyoko Sugiwaka
It’s impossible to open up Felt Me a Smile by Toyoko Sugiwaka and not smile. I dare you to try it. With pages upon pages of some of the cutest felted animals, you’ll enjoy the art of felting while making these adorable toys, ornaments, home decor accents, and more. How cute is the cover project of the hanging Bird Tent? This felting book is great because it covers both the technique of wet felting as well as needle felting. I enjoy doing both but as a beginner I find it hard to come up with ideas on what to felt. This book gives it all to you including step-by-step photos and templates to complete each project and includes lots of tips for beginners.
Feltbook Donkey
I love the photo spreads in the book. I could just flip through each page and soak in all the pretty pictures.
See more photos and enter the giveaway after the jump!

Feltbook Pairofbears
How cute are these cuddly pair of bears? You can see how great the directions are for this needle felting project.
Feltbook Projects1
The Masked Cat Cushion and the Whispering Rabbits Ring Holder are both great wet felting projects.
Feltbook Projects2
The Nirvana Rabbit is a cute wet felted toy you can sew up. I also love the Dog in Sheep’s Clothing project where you crochet the little dog and create the wet felted sheep outfit.
Book Giveaway Time!
Three lucky CRAFT readers will each receive a copy of the book, Felt Me a Smile. Just tell us why you would like this book in the comments. All comments will be closed by Noon PST on Monday, March 8, 2010. The lucky winners will be announced later on the site. Good luck!

160 thoughts on “Book Review + Giveaway: Felt Me a Smile

  1. Motherfungus says:

    What perfect timing! I would so love to win this book because I just recently became a felting addict. It looks so adorable.

  2. Cora says:

    I have wanted to learn how to felt this way. This looks like a coooool book!

  3. CeliaSews says:

    I’ve just started felting too and would like to progress beyond cakes and eggs! What a wonderful giveaway : )

  4. KatK says:

    I have never done any type of felting before and would love to try it! My daughters birthday is on Easter and so we really like bunnies and eggs and cutesy creatures like that. This book seems prefect for us to use in related to her bday as well as many other fun projects!!!

  5. Imene says:

    I just started needle felting last week and I’ve been looking for projects to make little chicks for Easter. I would love to see my kids face when they see them on Easter morning.

  6. galaxygoo says:

    Oh, I would love to do these with my kids! We’ve started doing lots of needle crafts together, and it’s tons of fun. They constantly amaze me with their natural talents and creativity.

  7. wishsong says:

    I would love to have a copy of this book because I love all things tiny and love felt. I want to learn the craft of felting and not fear it. The little animals that felters are making are truly heart warming and just, so cute! I make other things with regular felt, but nothing like these tiny wonderful creatures. I wish there was a local class to take to learn this craft and I am keeping my eye out for one. The creative mind to make these projects must be amazing! I have made sock creatures and even have made up my own sock creature that has made it to the middle east for our soldiers to enjoy. The felting just seems to be a next step in continuing to create the animals. Thank you for consideration! And keep on making the animals that our imaginations create!

  8. phroggio says:

    This is such good timing, some friends and I just bought a ton of wool roving to do needle felting. The projects in this book look right up my alley.

  9. planetjune says:

    It looks so cute – I have to make those donkeys!

  10. jdoan says:

    I’ve never done felting before, and this book would be a great way to start! The projects look adorable!

  11. Csparling says:

    I like this book because the projects look soo cute! And since it is for beginners, it’d be perfect for me!

  12. says:

    I started felting a little while ago. So far I have done one wet felting and one needle felting project and have had so much fun! I’d love to win this book because it looks like it would really matches my whimsical style. I can see it inspiring me to create even more cool things. I usually only get craft books that have patterns or ideas that I want to try in them, and I can definitely see myself making that cute masked cat pillow and those little birdhouses.

  13. Ashley says:

    I would love this adorable, original how-to book! It sounds like such a fun project! And felt is totally underappreciated!!!

  14. Simon The Pug says:

    This book seems to be a great way to keep myself busy and help me to get out this long lasting depression. I hope I get it.

  15. susan says:

    These little animals are so sweet. They will fit anywhere. Especially in the hands of my 3 grandchildren. I have been playing with felt for a few months now with nothing to follow except you tube videos. I would love to follow an actual pattern and make these little darlings for my little darlings. Please pick me………

  16. lisa says:

    Wow, the projects in this book looks so cute! I would love to win one because I am super new to felting. I have a kit but haven’t tried it yet because the kit didn’t come with a project to start off with. If I have the book, I have an array to choose from!! I hope I win!
    Thank you for doing the giveaway!

  17. Jess says:

    I’m just starting to realise how crazy I was to try and fit in part time study around full time work! So I could really do with having someone Pass Me a Smile, to make fill my (sadly limited) craft time with some fuzzy, woolly, adorable needle-felted goodness.

  18. longlifelove says:

    I would love to own this book! About a year ago I got quite ambitious, bought a bunch of felt, and now it sits on a self. I know it was only waiting to be made into that ADORABLE set of donkeys! I admit I squealed a bit upon seeing them. You understand.

  19. Bonney says:

    Oh My Gosh!! The donkeys alone are reason enough to want this book! I’m ready to dip my toe into the world of felting just to own these donkeys! You’re right about the book being full of cuteness. I think this book is going to be very popular!

  20. holycrow says:

    I run a craft group that meets once a month. Each meeting I teach the members a new craft. Since there is no charge to attend I’m always looking for a project that won’t cost much (I already have roving and locks to use). The meeting is about two hours so big projects are out of the question. Please help me spread the joy.

  21. Alli says:

    I would absolutely love to win this book! I’ve been felting for about a month now, and am totally addicted. I would love some new projects to try!

  22. Firda says:

    I’ve always wanted to learn to felt cute softies. This book is just perfect. I would love to win a copy! Would love to make the cute critters for my little nieces!

  23. Sharripie says:

    I have been a long time knitter, but hadn’t felt (heh) the urge to try felting until I saw this book. I can see myself trying every project and posting pics for the world to see! This looks like twenty kinds of fun.

  24. mrpimms says:

    I just moved back to the US from Tokyo and am missing Japan sooo much.
    I could use some cute Japanese felt friends!

  25. says:

    I would like to dip my foot into felting and this book likes like a great place to start. Plus my almost 4 year old would love playing with some of those adorable creatures! (and wouldn’t I love to make them for him!)

  26. says:

    It’s so freakin’ cute! That’s my reason. (And I think it’s a darn good one!)

  27. says:

    I wool’d like this book as I felt very excited and got very ram-bunctious about the giveaway.
    It would be-hoof me if you picked me as a winner and sheeped it to me.

  28. Betsy says:

    I’ve been looking for some wonderful things to felt, and have a good friend who wants to learn also. This book looks like it will motivate us both to get busy!! And we need a new FUN project to fill our unemployed days!!!

  29. cordial kitten says:

    i would love this book because it looks so dang cute! and felting is awesome.

  30. bmeaker says:

    I’d probably give it to my mom who likes to do this kind of thing but I might give it a try as well.

  31. says:

    I’ve been crocheting for about eight months now and have had needle felting supplies for a couple of months. But so far I haven’t found a project I want to needle felt and I haven’t been able to think of ways to combine it with crocheting. I’d love to see what this book could inspire me to make.

  32. dlyn67 says:

    I just saw this at the book store last night and it did make me smile. It’s a super cute book and would be great inspiration to make a little critter.

  33. jalphaiv says:

    Love it! I want this because I love making little things for my son and his friends…

  34. charbrooks says:

    It seems that life keeps throwing things at us and taking our eyes off the joy of life! Seeing the photos and articles that are in this book helped me see a way to enjoy giggles again and take the seriousness down a notch. I would love to own this book and hopefully learn enough so I can teach this to some of the ladies at the retirement home I visit…I find that smiles there are few and far between and this would bring back some fun in my life and theirs!

  35. oceanofstitches says:

    I am a mama, fiberista, and maker of Fun Things For My Kids. I have been wanting to try felting more, especially needle felting to make toys for my kids. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  36. loulou says:

    oh do love these little critters, would LOVE a book so i can make new friends and then play with them

  37. lindsay says:

    I would like to win this book because I need how to learn how to make those hugging bears asap. =]

  38. Judy LeVang says:

    I would love to make these for the children at Doernbeckers Children’s Hospital. The children there could use a reason to smile! Good luck to all!

  39. jenniferofthejungle says:

    I want to win this book because I have been depressed for weeks, and maybe if I felt a smile out of wool I’ll be able to find a smile of my own.

  40. says:

    I’ve gone absolutely crazy buying wool sweaters and felting them in the washing machine and now I’m dying to try needle felting. Pick me!

  41. akbibliophile says:

    I do not know anything about felting. A wool shop just opened up near my college, so the timing of that and this book would help me to learn how. :)

  42. schmoomom says:

    What a fab book! I’m dying to make those birds on the cover for my boys for Easter. Please! Think of me :-)

  43. Heather says:

    What a wonderful new book! I would love to be inspired by some modern needle-felting projects!!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  44. kmcmoobud says:

    I LOVE this book. I’m new to needle felting and have had trouble finding a good book with instructions that has projects that aren’t granny flowers and bowls.

  45. Rebecca says:

    This book looks like a wonderful tutorial to makes some awfully cute crafts! I’ve felted a little, but these ideas look like they’re at all levels.

  46. gakreiner says:

    My brother felts little animals and it has always interested me. This would be a great book to learn with.

  47. JessA says:

    Oh I would love this book so much!! In emptying my mother’s house to sell last summer, I came across many bags of wool. She had used it in weaving. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it out and now I have at least two garbage bags full of raw wool in many colors. I have tried needle felting and I love it! But I am not very good, so to have a book to give me a bit more guidance would be awesome!! This book looks just wonderful.

  48. diana says:

    Oh, this is just perfect. Awesome pictures, great ideas. Oh, I wish I am among the lucky ones. Thanks for these great giveaways!

  49. diana says:

    It seems I forgot to post the reason why I want it:D. I am trying to make sweet toys for my nephew because he likes thme a lot. Till now I only used cotton and various fillings, but I did a rather bad looking ducky from felt and he loved it.

  50. taffyyarn says:

    I think it should be me to get the book cause the projects make my heart smile. :)

  51. marieb says:

    I would love this book because my daughter (3 yrs) thinks these little animals are “sooo cute!!” and she would love for me to make her some!

  52. says:

    I would love this book because I’m a felt lover! Great giveaway!
    Camila Faria

  53. Deanna Johnson says:

    I’d love a copy of this book because there’s love in those projects and I Felt It!

  54. Sheri says:

    I’d love this book for inspiration and to expand my felting techniques! :)

  55. mostly miffed says:

    These projects are adorable and so whimsical. Just what the world needs! I would love to try my hand at these. Thanks for the review!
    ~catherine in richmond, va

  56. Cassidy says:

    I have wanted to learn how to felt for a long time and this book looks beautiful. The projects pictured are lovely and I would be thrilled to try my hand at them.

  57. PenguinBot says:

    I’ve never really tried felting before but would love to. What an adorable book!

  58. astcetc snafu says:

    And I have a closet full of fiber from when I used to spin a lot (before I realized that I really needed to decrease my yarn stash a little before adding to it)

  59. Natalie Zee Drieu says:

    Entering in for Jennifer Brooks!

  60. improv says:

    Would love to win a copy of this! We’re trying to tip the scale in favor of handmade for our daughter, both clothes and toys!

  61. KC says:

    My sister and I would be happy to use the book as an inspiration for our book collection on craft, sewing and knitting.

  62. isy says:

    oooooh, love this book! I’ve done a few felting projects and love the look of this book! would love to have it! the projects look way too cute!!! the little sheep are adorable!

  63. XOFifi says:

    This book is just too cute!!
    I’ve seen a lot of felting books and I have been interested but I wasn’t really sure where to begin! It would be great to win this book so I could try it out!
    Also, the designs are soo adorable!! It reminds me of those Japanese craft books for the super cute felt mascots! I’ve been wanting to get some of those too :D

  64. daturalovesyou says:

    i’d love to win this book! i’m new to felting and would love do dig into these projects. i can picture many of these little creatures living in my little ones room! :)

  65. Ergani_weaving says:

    I like wet and dry felting and the projects of this book are amazing

  66. Steph says:

    Absolutely adorable! Felting has become my new hobby! Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. Claude says:

    Looks like a great book, thanks for the chance to win!

  68. BellaG says:

    i would love to try my hand at felting and this book is totally cute!

  69. JK says:

    What an amazing looking book! I would love to try these projects. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  70. Primdoll says:

    I would love to win this book as I am just staring to learn some needle felting and the patterns in the book look wonderful! thanks for such a wonderful offer!! hope I’ll get lucky! Linda

  71. JK says:

    I would love to try my hand at these projects. Thanks for the chance!

  72. artteach7 says:

    As a current student of design (hoping to get into an MFA program) the aesthetic and craft here is wonderful. As a mom to two kids, the cuteness of these projects and the joy they would bring to both create and give really attracts me. Oh, and as a person with a dream of teaching craft one day, this would be a fabulous resource!

  73. Michelle says:

    I need this book!!! I am new to felting and completely hooked!

  74. cheesebubble says:

    This book should greatly improve my needle felting skills. My aptitude is currently stuck at the “ugly and bad” phase – in addition to the fact that I’m always stabbing my poor fingers.

  75. hula_prof says:

    I would love to win this book coz’ I’ve just started on felting and this would be the perfect book for inspiration and guidance. These warm fuzzy little toys would serve to brighten up anyone’s day and definitely spur me to create these cute little things! So please, can i get a copy? =P

  76. allilane says:

    I’d love to have this book as I bought some felting supplies but don’t really know where to start.
    Its an adorable looking book and I’m sure I could put it to good use! xxx

  77. craftperson says:

    I’d like to win this book because I’ve always wanted to try felting, but just have not gotten around to it. What better way to learn than making such cute objects?

  78. nanbhack says:

    I love Needle felting and I am always looking for new ideas! This would be a amazing book to my collection!

  79. Aimee says:

    What a cool book! I love using felted wool, it’s the perfect material!

  80. Jennifer Brooks says:

    I would love to have this book so much, that I had to download a different browser to make a comment here after a couple days of attempting.
    Yes it’s true…I really want this book! Who wouldn’t want to make adorable felted donkey’s? =)

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