DIY Cactus Cupcakes - Make: DIY Cactus Cupcakes - Make:

DIY Cactus Cupcakes

Craft & Design Food & Beverage
DIY Cactus Cupcakes


There’s a specialty nursery near where I live that sells only cacti, succulents, and bonsai trees. It’s a lot of fun to visit, because I love those all three of those things — especially those small cacti and succulents in their little 3″ pots. So of course, when I saw baker and DIY maker Alana Jones-Mann‘s realistic and adorable cactus and succulent cupcakes, I had to share them. She really nailed the look, right down to the sandy-looking base:

For this step most people use graham crackers, but I love the honey flavor Teddy Grahams because they’re a bit lighter in color, which  makes the dirt look more like sand (the look I was going for with these house plants).

This would be great for a Southwestern-themed party… maybe for the premiere of the second half of the final season of Breaking Bad, on August 11? Alana’s detailed tutorial tells you everything you need to know to make your own.




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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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