Geek Crafts - Make: Geek Crafts - Make:

Geek Crafts

Craft & Design Home Yarncraft


As a comment to my post on crocheting a t-shirt rag rug yesterday, Giaguara showed us her crochet t-shirt rug made from old Apple and geeky t-shirts.

Giaguara writes:

When you have more than one kind of shirt and tones in it, it works best to
make it a straight carpet. Use three colors or different yarns on a row,
and change the start and end constantly to be random. That way no matter
where your yarn starts or ends, it doesn’t look too odd. The round thing is
harder to do if you try to keep the randomness pattern in it, unless you
want to carry 2-3 yarns over while you crochet.

See more photos of her crochet geeky t-shirt rug here. Link.


The logo remenants from the t-shirts became a patchwork geek blanket. Link.


She also made cute crochet Nintendo DS lite case and iPod cozies. Link.

See more of Giaguara’s cool geek crafts on her LJ blog. – Link.

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