How-To: Knit Pie Crust - Make: How-To: Knit Pie Crust - Make:

How-To: Knit Pie Crust

Craft & Design Food & Beverage Home Yarncraft
How-To: Knit Pie Crust



Bring your knitting skills to the dinner table with this gorgeous knit pie crust tutorial from Ravelry user KnitsForLife.

This Thanksgiving I decided to top all pies by knitting the lattice crust of my homemade spiced apple pie. It was kind of like being a kid playing with PlayDo all night in the kitchen… for 3 hours! I used Trader Joe’s Pie Crust. The photo of it on the counter was just a test to see how it would work. After that I knit it directly onto the pie filling.

[via Knitted Bunny]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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