Knitting Simulator 2014 - Make: Knitting Simulator 2014 - Make:

Knitting Simulator 2014

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Knitting Simulator 2014


Sick of dealing with yarn when you knit? Now you can get all of the catharsis of hand knitting, with none of the physical output, using the Knitting Simulator 2014 that artist Kara Stone and graphic designer Gabby DaRienzo created for Dames Making Games at Toronto’s Julivewire Hardware Game Jam.


The game is played using knitting needles that are hooked up to a makey makey and a tilt switch to monitor the motion of the needles as they move up and down to mimic the action of knitting.


I’m not exactly sure how the game is played, but I’m pretty sure everyone wins!

[via Thread Party]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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