Project: Jewelry Organization Collage - Make: Project: Jewelry Organization Collage - Make:

Project: Jewelry Organization Collage

Craft & Design

By Jennifer Nieman
I have always had an eclectic vision for progressive fashion, and while I know it’s hard keeping up with the latest trends, I find it imperative to organize one’s accessories. A girl’s greatest struggle is those winding seconds before she has to jet out the door on a hot date to only freak out because her favorite earrings and necklace are lost in a tangled pile of jewelry.
Thus I have created a vintage-chic way to keep “a girl’s best friend” always on display and in reach. My favorite part of creating this project was hitting my local Goodwill, Salvation Army, and supermarkets to find inspiring pieces at affordable prices in order to showcase my jewelry. This project also brought me back to my childhood, when my mother used to hang our clothes out on the clothes line to dry on a hot summer day. I loved the look of it, so I’ve decided to tie these memories into my organizing project. Here’s an easy, quick way to get started! Have fun and get inspired!


Clothespins, found at your local Walmart
Spray paint
Vintage frames
, found at any local Goodwill, Salvation Army, or flea market
Potato sacks or burlap bags – a great way to recycle these after having mashed potatoes!
, found at any Michaels
Measuring tape


Step 1: Paint your clothespins. You can choose any color or design that fits your style or matches your frames.
Step 2: Take your frame and attach the potato sack to the back of it using your thumbtacks. The best way to do this is to attach the corners first. I used 3 thumbtacks per each side of the frame. This will help secure it from drooping outward. Once attached, use your scissors to trim any excess material off that is hanging over the edges of the frame. Repeat with as many frames as needed for your personal collage.
Step 3: I chose to also do another style using hemp. Measure strands of hemp to the back of the frame – hold the hemp down tightly (you might need another hand with this). Take your thumbtack and press it down in the middle of the hemp to secure it into the frame. Repeat as many layers as needed.
Step 4: Create a wall display that fits your style and space. Once all of the frames are hung (this is where your nails and hammer come in), measure between your hanging frames for your “clothesline” effect, which will be for your necklace, bracelets, and watches. After measuring the distance between frames, cut your hemp to size and secure each end down to the back of each frame with thumbtacks. Re-hang the frames, then attach the clothespins like you would on a clothesline.
Step 5: Complete with your own touch. I added a few more of my Goodwill finds to tie in my brooches and rings, as well as my perfumes. Within my collage I added a mirror so that it’s easy for me to try on my jewelry right there. Hopefully I’ve inspired you to re-use, recycle, and re-organize!
About the Author:
Jennifer Nieman is a Los Angeles-based makeup artist/hairstylist with a long-time passion for arts & crafts. Through that, organization plays a major role to keep a peace of mind with her daily routine. Creativity fuels the soul and should be implemented on a day-to-day basis. Check out some of her creations at

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