Squirrel Feet Earrings

Craft & Design
feet earrings.jpg

I know I’m not the only one around here who has a soft spot for creative taxidermy – and who could not have their heart stolen completely by this gift of lovely squirrel feet earrings? Via Craftastrophe
Update: hey folks, phil from MAKE here — we read all your comments and we appreciate all the feedback. it’s pretty clear many of you don’t care for taxidermy projects and in the future we’ll take a more cautious look at these types of projects.
there is a good discussion going on here so i’m not going to remove the post – there are excellent points being made by folks with many views.

234 thoughts on “Squirrel Feet Earrings

  1. Gerwerken says:

    Just when I think humanity is beginning to move forward.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You might be the only one. That is gross!

  3. Tiffany says:

    I would hope that the numbers of horrified people would outnumber those with a “soft spot” for such an insensitive display.

  4. Michelle Kempner says:

    I think it would freak me out when the little squirrel claws brushed against my shoulders.

  5. Melissa says:

    That is disgusting. I never thought I would see something so sad as this on this site. This needs to be removed.

  6. Patti Schiendelman says:

    Why is it so gross or disgusting? People wear leather, there’s peacock feather jewelry, we use lots of animal products in lots of ways . . .

  7. Kristen says:

    I would expect better from this site.

  8. KitKat says:

    To Patti:
    Wearing leather is just as gross to a lot of people.

  9. Heather says:

    This really is awful, I’m so horrified by this. Blarg.

  10. andrea says:

    Pretty creepy,and I love squirrels,they’re one of my favorite animals.But in one piece and alive.

  11. Ann Marie says:

    I’m sorry, but I find this to be in poor taste! And gross!

  12. A says:

    I love squirrels but in 1 piece and alive.This is disgusting.

  13. Moon says:

    I think they are kind of sweet. But then again, I think road kill can be interesting….. Atleast its creative!

  14. Laura says:

    This is quite gross. One of the things I enjoyed about this site is that you don’t see many craft options involving fur.
    Additionally, for me, this goes a little farther then just plain fur or leather. Even people who support wearing fur could be grossed out by the little danging paws.

  15. zuliblu says:

    I am seriously disturbed by this post, I really cannot believe that you did that.

  16. T says:

    Well, I used to like this site and was considering getting a subscription. Now not so much.

  17. Marie says:

    Wearing body parts has a trophy mentality to it. So, yes, while many do eat and use animals and animal by-products, there’s not reason to be smug and triumphant about it.
    Nothing says “screw you squirrel, I’m so superior to you in every way that I choose to flaunt and display your body parts!” like paw earrings. Would you wear dog paw earrings? Or kittens? What’s the difference?
    Show a little respect for the natural world.
    Oh, and remember that the hipsters who frequent this site generally tend to be anti-fur, etc. This could become a bread and butter issue if you don’t watch it.

  18. Katherine says:

    i knew when i saw this what kind of comments this would get… i can understand why this would be offensive to people, yet i don’t agree, especially the last post by Marie. is it wrong for people to wear animal skin? absolutely not. are native americans bad people for wearing feathers and hides in traditional ceremonies? are other tribal people bad for wearing natural clothing? what is bad is people wearing synthetic, chemically altered fibers. wearing natural elements is the only way to be in tune with nature. the biproducts of the chemicals used to produce our clothes and craft products are polluting the world, and you whine about squirrel paw earrings? where do you think all the chemicals that went into making your computer will go, and how your computer will be disposed of when you decide you need a new macbook air. you should be worrying about that and not about little squirrel feet. i agree that it is an interesting craft, for sure, and if the squirrel was killed and used to provide food and it’s limbs were used to make a body decoration, then i think that is awesome! even if it was killed for sport at least they used it’s body for something. geez.

  19. Ashley says:

    I am not necessarily an animal rights person and I do wear leather and other animal by-products, but even I find this repulsive.

  20. Marilou says:

    Okay, first off – I think wearing body parts is gross. Second, from an artistic standpoint – I don’t find these very visually appealing. I wonder if this was posted deliberately to generate traffic?

  21. Mary says:

    I’m seriously offended by this post, and the image used in it. I’m sure the poster thought this was cute or clever or funny, but it’s just plain disturbing. It doesn’t belong on a craft blog, and I don’t want to see things like this when I check my feeds—which I suppose means removing Craft from my feeds altogether.

  22. Patti Schiendelman says:

    I think there are some really interesting questions raised in the comments here – where do we draw our lines, be it eating meat or being a vegetarian; wearing leather or fur; synthetic materials versus natural materials; squirrel paws versus animal hooves in gelatin. I’d love to see more discussion along those lines! Just so you know, I’m a mom with 2 kids, one of whom has never eaten fast food (the other did because someone took him there when he was on a field trip), I do eat meat but I strive to be as much of a locavore as possible, eat all organic, won’t shop at Whole Foods because I hate their politics (I shop at our local organic food store or farmer’s market exclusively), don’t wear fur, do wear leather. I knit, but won’t use synthetic fibers. And I have a cat, but I would never wear his paws (even if he died naturally), but I would possibly wear squirrel earrings from a roadkill squirrel (but wouldn’t kill one!)(and it certainly wouldn’t feel like a trophy to me), and I used to clean bird skeletons for a natural history museum. I love David Lynch and Hello Kitty. And I think it’s fascinating where we draw our lines.

  23. Trish says:

    I’m sure this image will be blogged endlessly, and you’ll get all sorts of new viewers coming here—and I hope they’re all the sort of people who think that chopping the feet off squirrels is funny.
    This isn’t craft. It’s sick.

  24. JEN says:

    wow. i am astonished at the bad taste of this post. never before have i been sickened by something on what up until now has been a perfectly wonderful blog. i can’t believe this. why would anyone think squirrel feet earrings would be a good idea? craftzine – what were you thinking???!!!! GROSS!

  25. ash says:

    bad taste, not vegan friendly….
    Why does this site keep getting more aweful ? :( the heart oven mitts look like someone mopped up the floor with em too….These poor paws once held cute little acorns and dodged people on campus.. :( different is cool ONLY SOMETIMES… there’s a very fine line btn creative and catastrophe….. this is the latter. yukky. I want to cry.

  26. Liz says:

    I guess I can’t see this as being any worse than artists selling their fingernail clippings. On a grossness factor anyway.
    In terms of the humane aspect, I just hope someone took the opportunity to make some nice squirrel stew. All hail not letting any part go to waste.
    Besides, checking the original post, the person seemed to be pointing it out with an attitude of tongue in cheek.

  27. Lindsey says:

    This is the first time I’ve commented on craftzine. This image made my stomach turn. I can only assume this was made for shock value alone. I am kinda shocked it was posted.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Squirrels are nasty vermin. These earrings are bizarre and gross.

  29. Phillip Torrone says:

    hey folks, phil from MAKE here — we read all your comments and we appreciate all the feedback. it’s pretty clear many of you don’t care for taxidermy projects and in the future we’ll take a more cautious look at these types of projects.
    there is a good discussion going on here so i’m not going to remove the post – there are excellent points being made by folks with many views.

  30. Dodi says:

    I’m shocked at the strong reaction to this post. There are some really interesting artists out there doing interesting things with taxidermy. The earrings are interesting. How many of you had a rabbit foot keychain as a kid? I wish Craft would stop posting recipes, but I don’t write intolerant comments and tell everyone they should stop making sweets because I don’t eat sugar anymore. I move to the next post.

  31. Melissa says:

    I agree with some of the previous posts. This is pretty disgusting. Even if the author was being “funny” which is a bizarre kind of funny, I really don’t see how this is related to what I took to be the purpose of this site, to post cool, interesting art/crafts.
    This is really gross beyond words.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Crafts mean different things to different people and it’s not fair to leave those out who find inspiration in something out of the ordinary. I’m sure the squirrel was “found art” and the earrings could be seen as an interesting statement. To anyone who is just going to boycott the site for posts that may make us think, dialogue, or try something new, please remember that crafting is for everyone, whether it’s traditional or not. We’re part of a community and diverse perspectives and interests are what makes it great.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Crafts mean different things to different people and it’s not fair to leave out those who find inspiration in something out of the ordinary. I’m sure the squirrel was “found art” and the earrings could be seen as an interesting statement — nobody is alleging the squirrel was harmed. To anyone who is just going to boycott the site for posts that may make us think, dialogue, or try something new, please remember that crafting is for everyone, whether it’s traditional or not. We’re part of a community and diverse perspectives and interests are what makes it great.

  34. J says:

    I’m pretty sure there are more instances of humans wearing dead animal parts throughout our history than people going out of their way not to. I am also one of those people who doesn’t believe that people have evolved much from our barbaric past. If you don’t like it, fine but to many of us, this is craft, a visual nod to history and darkly amusing. Just because you might find it disturbing doesn’t make it invalid and it is a craft trend whether some like it or not. I think Craft is perfectly within its established scope to post things like this.

  35. ruby says:

    ok, i think a lot of people are overreacting FAR too much here.
    hands up if you have NEVER worn SOMETHING leather in your life, EVER, like… at all. that’s right, probably no one. grow up. none of this “oh-but-squirrels-are-so-goshdarn-cute-omg”: COWS are still animals. and wearing leather is STILL wearing BITS OF DEAD COWS. we aren’t all vegans here (or whatever). sure, it’s your choice to be vegan (or whatever). that doesn’t make it ANY more valid than other’s choices NOT to be vegan (or whatever) or wear pieces of dead animals if they so choose. my point is: if you want to have your choices treated with respect, respect the choices of other people. to each their own, okay?
    i know it is different, and i really, really hope that the squirrel died a natural death after a happy life. and i wouldn’t wear these babies personally, but think: the squirrel (odds on) probably had a nice life, as opposed to a cow that has probably been milked dry and skinned after a horrible life trapped in a crappy farm. honestly, i’d have more of an issue with leather.
    and don’t tell others what to publish. that’s how art/craft/music/etc grows and changes, pushing boundaries. soutine pissed a lot of people off too. geez, i thought people who liked crafty stuff were supposed to be open minded.

  36. Anonymous says:

    It’s funny to me that everyone is having such a strong reaction to these earrings–when I first saw them I didn’t even give them a second thought until I saw the update from Phil mentioning that people were freaking out.
    The thing I like about the Craft blog is that the posts are varied–from stuff I find completely uninteresting to projects I actually want to try.
    I went to art school, so perhaps I’ve been completely desensitized to this sort of thing, but really, people, if you don’t like the posts, just keep scrolling.
    “You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. But you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

  37. Marie says:

    Oh goodness. You know, looked at this and on first glance went “Wow. Creepy.”
    Then I read the comment and went “Wow. Super creepy and a little tasteless.” The humor doesn’t really come through, guys. Good job on that. A quote from the original poster would have been classier.
    Then I read the comments. Oh. Dear. Jesus. Yes. Very creepy. I’m impressed that someone thought of this and the sheer amount of work that must have gone into it, yes yes, very nice, history, culture, etc. But still very creepy. What I’m not sure is where the “insensitive” part comes in. If it’s the reposting comment, yes, I can agree with that, it does tend to come off like that. If it’s the earrings themselves……
    There are crazy people in the world, guys. Taxidermy is a craft. It’s a big crazy, creepy fact you get used to after a while. There are people that steampunk dead crows with gears and widgets and brass. That is actually more creepy than this. Just, you know, saying.
    Also, I think these would be kindof creepy to wear because I for one would forget they were on and then it would rub against my cheek or neck when I moved and then I would freak out like nobody’s business. o.o

  38. erin says:

    Wow, guys. I am a vegan and I am not as disgusted or revolted as pretty much all of you. I guess I don’t see much difference between this and other animal products being used in crafts. Maybe that’s because I’m from the South. I mean I personally would never wear or make them, but I can appreciate the artistry of them to an extent. I think it’s ridiculous that you would stop reading this blog or not subscribe to Craft over some stupid squirrel earrings. Just say “well that’s not my taste at all” and move on. Simple as that. No need to get all in a tizzy.

  39. me says:


  40. alice says:

    I don’t think this fits the usual content here at Craftzine.
    At the original blog, the earrings are actually described as a weird and kind of disgusting thing, and it is shown for entertainment purposes only…
    Anyway, I just stopped to read the comments because you posted an update. Otherwise I would just think “wew!” and go on.

  41. Niamh says:

    Leather is a useful and versatile material and it is one thing for animal products to be used in such a way, but it is quite another when parts of an animal’s body are preserved in their original state and displayed as trophies. I find it very disturbing.

  42. Aqua says:

    Wow, looks like everyone held their breath until now, and so willing to cross-out every good and positive step Craft: has taken. Craft: doesnt deserve to be criticized like this. I dont understand why everyone is trying to put the blame on the site. It is a statement from someone, and it is pointed out by Craft:. Giving critics on the doer of these earrings would be more fair, than banning Craft:.
    Then there is an other issue, if they remove the post, would it be really gone. With attitudes such as “If i dont see it, it means it doesnt even exist” we cannot get no further.

  43. Anonymous says:

    why didn’t u publish my comment?

  44. amber says:

    I wonder if you guys would have posted this if they were dog paws. I was disappointed to see this post this morning.

  45. Lauren V says:

    I can’t really get past the idea that this must have been a joke. I almost think someone must have hijacked the blog to get this post on there. This is not a project; this is not art. This is not even using our natural resources in an innovative way. I have no problem using natural materials, including leather and fur, but to me, this is equivalent to wearing a decapitated human head as a mask on Halloween…

  46. Kmonster says:

    I think people seem to forget about how we eat all sorts of animals, and wear them too. If you’re so concerned about squirrels you must not garden.
    Really. We are carnivores. We have the teeth for it. We need to eat meat. Anybody who thinks they can get by without eating meat is in for a rude awakening involving migraines, neurological problems and bad skin/hair. I would know, and I have been told the same thing by both eastern and western medicine doctors. I hate eating beef but after a couple of EEGs, and an MRI and literally HUNDREDS of migraines this year (not to mention all the costs associated with these tests), I caved and I now eat meat again. I’d be willing to bet this squirrel got hit by a car or was killed no less humanely than the round steak I ate last night.
    Cool squirrel earrings are just a perk of being at the top of the food chain ;)

  47. Gutierrez says:

    Macabre, but I’d think that’s the point. Birdseed skulls, clockwork insects, anatomical embroidery, there are many offbeat posts here. If they were shellacked butterfly wings would stomachs stay still? What is too far for you? Not something I’d dwell on, but is there a craft project you can make that you think could restore balance here? Come out swinging with those knitting hooks, with your paper and glue, that blowtorch, with your ideas. It’s the only way that image is going to get pushed off the front page anyway.

  48. sapphire0928 says:

    When I saw this, I thought, uh oh. This is going to start something. My Dad’s a taxidermist, he has been for as long as I have been around. So I know a little about people, sitting high and mighty in their leather shoes and leather coats, with their designer leather purses eating their filet mignon, talking about how TERRIBLE it is that he mounts the poor, defenseless creatures. Basically, for these types of folk, if it doesn’t look like the animal it came from, it’s ok. They can ignore the fact that it was once a baby cow with big brown eyes because it doesn’t look like a cow anymore. But if it bears some semblance of what it used to be? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww FREAK OUT. If you don’t like it, move on. If you need to unsubscribe to the feed, or don’t want the magazine, whatever makes you feel better. Personally? I think the squirrel feet earrings are icky. I also don’t like needlepoint. Just a personal preference.

  49. Tanya says:

    I find this offensive and in poor taste. I will be not be reading this site any longer.

  50. Cheryl says:

    I’m a vegetarian, but I’m no stranger to squirrels. My mother ate squirrel many times as a child, and I’ve visited elderly friends who were cooking it for dinner. Yes they are cute and cuddly, but it is NO different from eating cow, chicken, or pork. Speciesism is not a good thing. It is like saying that ugly people deserve to die more.
    Squirrel feet, rabbit feet, cow bone plaques, feathers, wool: These are all body parts. Leather is skin; how much less gross is that than feet? Think Silence of the Lambs.
    Someone put a lot of time and effort into the craft an it looks almost exactly like the rabbit foot earrings that were so popular in the 80s. If you don’t like it, skip it and go on.

  51. Anonymous says:

    I think they’re kind of cool (in an off kilter/I would never actually wear them way). Gross but interesting.

  52. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness! How tasteless. And, quite frankly the earrings are NOT pretty.

  53. Carrie says:

    Opinions on this project aside, if over 50 people can comment on something controversial like squirrel earrings, shouldn’t we also comment on the posts that inspire us in a positive way and keep us coming back to this site? Many posts on Craft: have less than 5 or even 0 comments. I’m going to try to speak up more on the things I like & skip the ones that I don’t care for but may speak to someone else.

  54. Henitsirk says:

    I too didn’t think much of this until I saw Phil’s addendum. It’s no different to me than lucky rabbit’s feet keychains, or the chicken feet I once ate a dim sum parlor.
    I enjoy feeding and watching squirrels. I would never wear these, but that’s not the point. Art and craft are expressions. If you don’t like them, don’t look at them! Taste is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve seen plenty of paintings and sculptures that disturbed me far more than this piece.
    I also think, as others have pointed out, that many people today are never confronted with where their food and other products actually come from. We buy shrink-wrapped slabs of meat in the store, make Jell-o from a tidy little box, and buy our shoes in bright shiny stores. Animals bled and died to make those things, and we are eating and wearing their body parts.

  55. EasyPeasey says:

    Interesting earrings! I am a squirrel-lover, but I do not have an issue with this creepy-cute jewelry. Thanks for ‘pushing the limits,’ craftzine; please keep it up!

  56. Sara says:

    Kmonster said: “Anybody who thinks they can get by without eating meat is in for a rude awakening involving migraines, neurological problems and bad skin/hair.”
    Well, that’s just not true. I haven’t eaten meat in about 5 years. I haven’t had any migraines or neurological problems and, quite frankly, I have fabulous skin and hair.

  57. Skye Long says:

    I think we put ourselves in a dangerous position when we start judging the quality of art by how well it fits our own moral or ethical standings. Art is intended to evoke an emotion, and good or bad these clearly did. I would also like to point out that there have been posts involving mounted insects and these have never evoked such strong emotion. As an arachnologist, I would like to mention that these were once alive as well. I am a veggie, but I have always been drawn to the art of taxidermy because it seems like a really primitive way to capture the unattainable beauty of nature. I would hate to think that the blog would stop posting interesting art or examples of challenging techniques because of fear of backlash.

  58. Melissa says:

    I commented before, but wanted to say something else based on other’s comments.
    I find these totally gross. but i don’t really see the attraction of keeping dead animals – in whole or in part. but i realize many people do like taxidermy. it’s no big deal that i don’t like what someone else likes.
    I dont see these as art or a craft, but again, my idea of art or a craft is different from others.
    I understand and agree with those that find these earrings gross, but it’s like all of the other threads this site posts, you won’t like everything. I think this site has tons of great links to cool, beautiful crafts. Just because this one is gross doesn’t mean that I will stop coming here. I think it’s admirable that this site recognizes our thoughts about what they post. and is open-minded enough to let us voice our opinions in a constructive way.

  59. BG says:

    even though I didn’t enjoy this post, I don’t want the blog to censor itself because a few (or even a majority) of people are outspoken against that type of thing. All crafts are created equal in a sense because there’s creativity injected into each project. I wouldn’t mind more posts with taxidermy or all – but it is rather nauseating to see furry feet attached to an ear.
    My final thought: even if you are careful, don’t overthink a future post. Sometimes it’s good to create a bit of controversy or not be 100% something. This post reflects that there are different tastes (dif’rent strokes for dif’rent folks).

  60. Cherie says:

    I read Craft blog every day and I am really surprised by some of the comments posted here. Did any of the commentors even bother to check the original creator’s site before passing judgement. If I may quote from the creator’s website, http://www.lovedtodeath.net, “NO ANIMAL HAS EVER BEEN KILLED FOR THE USE IN OUR WORK. We BUY parts from highly respected taxidermists. Parts are recycled or are by-products. It is out of the respect and appreciation of the animal to do this rather than just discard of these parts.” They are not killing animals for their art but preserving already dead animals. How many of the commentors have ever picked up a beautiful fall leaf off the ground and used it in a craft? I fail to see the difference.

  61. Miya says:

    It is totally petty and sad that someone would chastise Craft for posting something they didn’t like. I too, as many of you are a vegetarian and someone who is madly passionate about animals. But there are clear differences here, Craft wasn’t suggesting we all go out and kill squirrels or any other animal – nor where they showing us a “how to” for these earrings, preserving dead things, or any other such nonsense. A link to a unique and thought provoking pair of earrings was left for us.
    We wouldn’t have Craft magazine or any other progressive and interesting craft/art community if we as members/patrons/artists constantly questioned these things, wondering who it would upset. I certainly don’t love cute little dead things, but appreciate the post and encourage Craft NOT to be censored or censor it’s content!
    Yay for Craft!

  62. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for posting this. I find these earrings interesting, although as the red squirrel is classified as an endangered species in my country, I will not be buying any.
    However, I do think that this is a relevant post, and interesting. I also agree with BG that you should not self censor because of angry posters- your site is large, and filled with creativity (of all kinds).
    Thank you again.

  63. Ann says:

    I’m all for freedom of speech, and I don’t think anybody else should tell you guys what to post or what not.
    That said, speaking for myself, I find the earrings and the photo bad taste, disgusting, revolting, gross. And more than anything, that’s just plain sad and reminds me of the dead foxes old ladies wore around their necks forty years ago. It might be a while before I look for more craft inspiration here.

  64. sharon b says:

    I fail to see how this is crafting? and more to the point …..
    ….its SOOOOO creepy …..yuc!

  65. Anonymous says:

    These are gorgeous. People are silly about “animal cruelty.” This is not morally worse than eating meat or wearing leather. In fact, it’s probably morally superior, because it’s not supporting an industry that perpetuates animal death, just as medical and psychological experiments (ethically) using animals are morally superior to eating meat because they have benefits to humanity beyond “tasting good.”
    It seems to me that people are just squeamish. I thought Craftzine was full of intelligent hipsters, not thoughtless, knee-jerking grannies. You nauseate me.
    Taxidermy is A+.
    a vegetarian scientist

  66. Sandy says:

    OMG! i can not believe that someone think that this is a craft! a craft is something beautiful, is something that reminds me happiness, but this, this has not name…is just horrible!!! i hope none buy those creepy things!

  67. Monkeygurl says:

    I know I’m kinda late to the party, but:
    *PLEEEEEEASE* do not censor yourself because of 1 or 2 people *threatening* not to come back to your sites. The bottom line is you have the right to post what you find interesting, and do not have to listen to the dictates of a nebulous innerweb audience.
    Personally, I found the earrings a bit much, but I don’t particularly “get” every single thing you post about, either.

  68. Kris says:

    I wouldn’t wear/buy it but I do love me some taxidermy now and again!
    Why would anyone threaten this site and magazine with non-readership solely because they posted something that they didn’t like? The site is CRAFT. Home to ALL things Crafty! It’s not VeganCraft or PETACraft. This item is a craft and somebody’s art. It deserves just as much time as anything else here. Art is supposed to stir emotions, good AND bad but should never be met with indifference or CENSORED!
    Shame on those who called for censorship or think they are “more evolved” than this artist. Seriously.

  69. Sydney says:

    I do not find these offensive, and won’t bother repeating all the reasons others have already listed here. I would buy these in a heartbeat if I had the money. Censorship is never a good thing, and for those who won’t be reading this post because they won’t be returning to the site, I feel sorry that they’ll be missing out on a lot of great art, this included.

  70. Lizzie says:

    I’m also amazed at the number of negative comments here. I happen to like these and I want to see original, quirky things on this site, not the same tired owls and cutesy stuff. I can’t believe people will really never come back to this site because of one thing they didn’t like. Get over yourselves – you can’t like everything.
    I don’t think recipes belong here but I don’t complain – I figure there’s something for everybody.

  71. neita says:

    I get it these are fun, kitchy earings, they make me smile. I wouldn’t wear them for fear the little nails might get tangled in my hair. :) I personally don’t like knitting project ’cause I don’t know how to knit but I wouldn’t throw a fit about a knitting project post.

  72. Chantou says:

    It was a surprise to see this in my google reader to say the least. Personally I am really surprised that some people actually find this nice, kisch, gorgeous. !? It’s pretty repulsive to me and I hope this type of art is not going to become regular on Craftzine. EW. Let the poor squirrel rest in peace.
    I do however think that past cultures have used animals in their clothing and artwork tastefully but this? No. Especially now we have so many other materials that are much more pleseant to the eye and the heart than an animal that has passed away. If I wanted dead animal art, I’d be reading the hunting sites.
    Also there’s a lot of controversy about this post and free-speech and all, but you know I think it’s also about respect for how others people’s feelings too. This actually physically curdles my stomach-like sensation and surely others feel sick too. I do like Craftzine but please, no more dead animals after this one, please…

  73. Chantou says:

    It was a surprise to see this in my google reader to say the least. Personally I am really surprised that some people actually find this nice, kisch, gorgeous. !? It’s pretty repulsive to me and I hope this type of art is not going to become regular on Craftzine. EW. Let the poor squirrel rest in peace.
    I do however think that past cultures have used animals in their clothing and artwork tastefully but this? No. Especially now we have so many other materials that are much more pleseant to the eye and the heart than an animal that has passed away. If I wanted dead animal art, I’d be reading the hunting sites.
    Also there’s a lot of controversy about this post and free-speech and all, but you know I think it’s also about respect for how others people’s feelings too. This actually physically curdles my stomach-like sensation and surely others feel sick too. I do like Craftzine but please, no more dead animals after this one, please…

  74. Tonya says:

    I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first time I have seen taxidermy on this site… chill out folks!

  75. hhb says:

    We now have to SIGN IN to comment here?
    Each to their own I suppose, but this reminds me of the Pork Tiara you posted recently. Horrible.

  76. Marie says:

    Ok, so in response to Kmonster….
    “Anybody who thinks they can get by without eating meat is in for a rude awakening involving migraines, neurological problems and bad skin/hair.”
    Meet me. I’m a teenager. I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life. I’ve been in university since I was twelve (just to rule out your neurological problems hypothesis). I do get headaches because genetically my vision is poor. My glasses prescription hasn’t been updated in a while and I need new lenses. My hair is gorgeous healthy, though genetically frizzy and, typical to teenagers, oily when I don’t shower enough. My skin is better than most people’s my age.
    Were you taking extra iron to compensate for not intaking blood on a daily basis? Were you eating meat substitutes such as tofu or Morningstar Farms soy protein products? Did you try to wean yourself off of meat, going from darker meats to lighter to fish to none at all? If not to any of these, then that’s probably where most of your problems came from. It would be just as hard for me to start eating meat as it would for any long-term meat eater to stop all of a sudden. This things have to be done in stages, like weaning off any addiction.
    So please, do your research before you make ignorant comments next time and save me some typing.

  77. melissa sue says:

    i support entries like this, and was very happy to see craftzine post these. i’ve been a little bored with craft: in general lately and this was a nice reminder that there’s still some forward-thinking people over there (i have to say these are far better than the ‘you can weave!’ headline recently.)
    keep it up!
    melissa sue

  78. Hollene says:

    Yeah, it seems like it would be pretty obvious that the majority of Craft readers would be people who also get CuteOverload in their inbox every day.
    Count me in on being disgusted.

  79. Satsuki Rebel says:

    I’m sorry to say that due to this post and your decision to leave it up for publicity purposes I will be ending my previously loyal readership of your blog. You were my daily spotlight today. I am not happy with what I have seen. Your inaction is, in and of itself, an endorsement.

  80. David says:

    I’m glad this is up. Totally awesome idea. I’m also someone who is rational, so i guess that goes hand in hand with not being offended at the silliest of things.

  81. Anonymous says:

    They’re not my cup of tea, but I think it’s great that you posted them. There might be people seriously interested in this sort of project, and it’s not fair for people who aren’t interested to say it has no place here. Yes, it’s different. Yes, you can think it’s gross. But when it all comes down to it, maybe I think baked goods are gross. I’m not going to criticize the blog for not tailoring to MY specific interests.
    That being said, I love baked goods. Keep the recipes coming. :D

  82. Anonymous says:

    In England, squirrels are vermin. It is illegal to release a squirrel once you have caught one. So in that case, it would be a crime not to make these earrings.
    Having said that, do we know if a dead squirrel was used to make these earrings, or if the squirrel was allowed to live and supplied with prothetics?

  83. Anonymous says:

    In England, squirrels are vermin. It is illegal to release a squirrel once you have caught one. So in that case, it would be a crime not to make these earrings.
    Having said that, do we know if a dead squirrel was used to make these earrings, or if the squirrel was allowed to live and supplied with prosthetics?

  84. Candice says:

    I think it’s irresponsible to post this without saying how the animal died. If the animal died of natural causes, then it’s ok to use, but if the animal was killed for the use of it’s hands, that is disgusting that you would ever put this picture up. How would you feel if your hands were hanging on someone’s ears as an accessory?
    I don’t care for them at all, but for those that do, at least tell us how the animal died if you’re responsible.

  85. Meredith says:

    I’ve been watching this thread since it was posted for entertainment value! Cracks me up those individuals who say they’re not coming back to this site! They will to..cause any crafter who loves to craft can’t stay away from creativity and this site offers that! So come on…really. Personally, I think these are disturbing and gross…BUT…it’s someones CRAFT! I think any and all should be free to craft in any way they want..it’s called creative expression. I don’t have to like it…but to say that this web site is in poor taste to post…come on..really. Those who protest..do you watch your neighbor fall into dispair whilst your squirrels get fat? just a thought.

  86. me says:

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Statesman and Philosopher
    “To inflict cruelties on defenceless creatures, or condone such acts, is to abuse one of the cardinal tenets of a civilised society – reverence for life.” – Dr. Jon Evans, England
    “If a man aspires toward a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.” ~ Count Leo Tolstoy, Russian Novelist and Philosopher
    “Our treatment of animals will someday be considered barbarous. There cannot be perfect civilization until man realizes that the rights of every living creature are as sacred as his own.” ~ Dr. David Starr Jordan, American Biologist and Educator
    “He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ~ Immanuel Kant, German Philosopher
    “The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher

  87. Kris says:

    To each their own folks. TO EACH THEIR OWN.

  88. Jessica says:

    I agree that this post is rather disturbing. I can’t condemn this as evil since I consume animal products without a second though but I can indicate my personal distaste for this type of art. This probably goes back to when I was a child and realized that lucky rabbits feet were actually made from rabbits instead of being fake.
    I also agree that completely giving up on a blog because of one post is a bit of an overreaction…just ignore the 1 bad post and enojoy the other 1000 good posts.
    I don’t think that MAKE and Craftzine should be forced to censor themselves but they should probably take reader opinions into consideration. A business can’t survive if it ignores its customers. A possible compromise would be having text posts that describe taxidermy projects and links to the sources without having potentially disturbing pictures that may be unavoidable for those glancing through the daily posts.

  89. me says:

    They say right on their website that the animals are not killed for their parts.
    in the info section…
    “NO ANIMAL HAS EVER BEEN KILLED FOR THE USE IN OUR WORK. We BUY parts from highly respected taxidermists. Parts are recycled or are by-products. It is out of the respect and appreciation of the animal to do this rather than just discard of these parts. We, as ARTISTS, find beauty in these parts. We see it as a memorial to the animal passed.”
    seems like they are animal lovers, not killers.

  90. Piroska says:

    I for one rather like these earrings, and would definitely consider buying them. Taxidermy is both an art and a craft, and like many other crafts, takes both time and skill, which as fellow crafters we should appreciate, even if we don’t like the finished article. While I do not believe that animals should be killed merely to be stuffed and mounted, a lot of taxidermists use only animals that have died of natural causes. Why see these earrings as an exploitation of the death of an animal, when you can see it as a celebration of the beauty of an animal? And seriously, unless all who have posted in opposition are vegans, think about the “cute” cow next time you eat a steak.

  91. Anonymous says:

    I would like to respond to one of the other anonymous posters:
    “In England, squirrels are vermin.”
    Grey squirrels are vermin (carriers of the virus that kills red squirrels, and a non-native species), red squirrels (native species, no immunity to the virus) are endangered.
    “It is illegal to release a squirrel once you have caught one.”
    Regretfully, the law has been changed so that some grey squirrels may be released after capture. Needless to say, this varies depending on the location- in a red squirrel area, you would have to be boneheaded to release a grey squirrel into the wild.

  92. Anonymous says:

    Someone had better tell Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall . . .

  93. jess says:

    I think these are gross and they remind me of my little dog’s paws.

  94. Anonymous says:

    Gross and awesome at the same time! I’m glad that not all those dead squirrels on the side of the road go to waste, just feeding crows. Beautifully ugly. Thanks for posting this!

  95. Simone says:

    I’m with “monkeygirl”? Not at all bothered, but not my thing. We knit with possum (mostly from dead animals.. they are pests in my country), wear leather shoes, have a leather handbag. I do like a little more distance from the reminder that it was once a living breathing animal. A direct reminder is quite potent. I love it when things provoke such passion though, from both sides of the fence, creates amazing discussions.

  96. Anonymous says:

    Que coisa horrível e de péssimo gosto.

  97. Mouser says:

    I clicked on this not really expecting literally squirrels feet but there they are.
    I immediately thought of the recent National Geographic mag, which had a picture of a Tarahumara native with a raccoon arrow quiver- a whole raccoon skin with head and paws, and the arrows were kind of stuffed up it’s butt. Blew my mind.
    My Grandmother gave me her old mink stole from the 1920’s, and it had the head and paws still on and I thought it was the creepiest thing I had ever seen. Got rid of it fast.
    I love leather, though. I love the few fine leather things I have.
    So I place this in the context of our society’s (and mine) strange duality about animal parts- OK sometimes, in some forms, not OK when presented in other ways. Most people are like me, and enjoy leather while disliking recognizable animal body parts. Other cultures have more success with being out there and accepting of their use of animals.
    Will we someday think of this as a barbaric dark ages in regards to our treatment and use of animals? Probably. Will we all be vegans? Unlikely, I should think.
    I am glad we get to be exposed to all views. A craft blog cannot settle the question, if it ever can be. For one I have no intention of stopping my use of this site over this. You won’t catch me with animal paws dangling from my ears but I have a leather barrette. It’s a matter of choice.
    Yay choice.

  98. conniebonnie says:

    good heavens. i went through several different emotions reading these comments, but most of it was eye rolling. i decided to leave a comment because i thought that the more encouragement craft got the better.
    keep posting, whatever you find neat or interesting. those of us whose minds arenot completely closed up into tiny wads will be here, reading and enjoying and being inspired.

  99. claudia says:

    This was made just to generate discussions around it. but I think there are more intelligent ways to be appealing.

  100. Ellen says:

    I hope they give whoever wants to wear that fleas.

  101. V1V1 says:

    Can you imagine someone buying these and wearing them to a fancy dinner?
    And honestly – I doubt that these people went out and killed a squirrel just to make some earrings out of its hands. Chances are it died of natural causes, and they thought this was a good way to put it to use. Maybe not my cup of tea, but I’m sure there are people out there who will appreciate the workmanship.

  102. joys says:

    Horrific, barbaric, sadistic.

  103. Anonymous says:

    So yeah, I am among those that wouldn’t wear these, but honestly don’t see how this post is any more offensive than a fetus cookie cutter. Seriously, people. CRAFT has such varied content that something like this is bound to creep up. Look at it and move on. And for everyone that says they aren’t going to read, there is going to be a new reader, just because of this post. It’s not going to be their loss, just yours.

  104. Sandra Sandoval says:

    le arrancaste las patas a un animal para hacerte unos aretes????
    eres de lo peor que hay

  105. riley says:

    Doesn’t anyone remember the Dilbert comic strip with the vegan co-worker who refused to wear/use anything with animal by-products?
    Technically, synthetics ARE animal derived- millions of years ago, flora and fauna died and ended up becoming oil/coal/natural gas deposits. Since petrochemicals are used in the production of plastics…
    Another thought, on the Earth as Great Recycler- a dino relieves itself in a stream, as part of the natural cycle of water some of the stream evaporates and comes back down as rain. The evaporation-condensation cycle continues for millions of years. Enjoy your glass of recycled dino urine.

  106. Joice says:


  107. zero says:

    Craft, don’t censor yourself. I love you just the way you are, with varied content (even if it’s not up my alley). I don’t care what you post, I’ll always keep coming back. :)

  108. Aunee says:

    Good grief, it’s not like there’s a squirrel shortage or something! They’re rodents for crying out loud! Besides, I’m sure it was dead in the first place….This is freakin’ hilarious! And hideous!! LOL!! So, so funny…

  109. Anto says:

    Si te parece que es bello utilizar seres vivos como artilujios decorativos y además te sientes orgullos@ mostrando que que probablemente hisiste con tus propias manos, claramente estamos ante la presencia de un ser vil, un mero carnicero, que solo usa y abusa de la vida ajena sin una minuscula conciensa del dolor y sufrimiento que su actuar provoca.
    Es así como se embelleze una bestia. Solo una bestia podria exhibir tanta crueldad. Realmente hay que ser un maldito asesino enfermo.

  110. Maven says:

    I personally think they are unattractive, but I am in no way censoring the artist. I support the use of animal parts as art and/or craft. Why is this any different than wearing cowrie shells or feathers? Sand dollars as wall art? Antler buttons? Bone and buffalo horn beads on Native American costuming?
    Some people will be offended by anything that disagrees with their own philosophy. So be it, but don’t expect the rest of the world to conform to your desires.

  111. HM says:

    Has PETA seen this???

  112. Left Wondering says:

    I’m left wondering how many of you people would actually wear these things.

  113. Georgia says:

    Yuck !! Did the ‘artist’ have to buy prosthesis to that the squirrel could walk again or was it road kill ??
    Double yuck.

  114. AuPlantagenet says:

    SADISIM is a human on human ism..As for squirrel feet jewelry being horrific?: there are more horrific things than reusing animal parts to make adornment:after all native peoples have been doing it for eons..are those peoples then sadistic..I think not. taxidermy and jewelry making are definitely thinking out of the box and not my taste but most modern art and fusion jazz are not for me either! I applaud all expressionism as acceptable human ..ism.One participates in a particular expression of self or not..Free choice in artistic expression is what makes art art..
    I arrived at this example of taxidermy art jewelery from the parrot head pendant just posted in the jewelry making category ! It is decently executed silverwork, and appears to be outstanding taxidermy ( at least it appears to be decent- this isn’t smell-o-vision) and if made in the Victorian era would have been all the rage-particularly if one’s pet budgie could have been immortalized! They were relegated to using insect wings and fancy feathers ( though may have contributed to the extinction of a few feathered species..who knows for sure..) for the most part ( excluding mink heads, and the usual furriers arts and parts..
    What has me commenting is my reading a reply post from November (2009) on possum parts used as fabric,etc…possums (and armadillos) carry leprosy and to be using their hides, bones ( even old dried calcified bones can transmit Hansen’s disease), fur, etc ( well what the etc. would be remains to be seen!) is flirting with danger in a very real way- all kidding aside. So to you would-be taxidermist jewelry makers and road kill recyclers I advise avoiding possum parts (and armadillos) as well.
    Though Hansen’s disease is now considered highly treatable, its that point of “gee my fingers or feet are disintegrating and I must seek treatment ” realization after a few weeks of donning your well cobbled and coiffed pair of new ‘possum , or armadillo boots and purse that may at least, startle you as you wonder over your morning coffee at the first realization that something is awry in your boots – how did this happen?..It was that sneaky bacteria transmitted to you from processing that innocent looking road kill you were trying to recycle into shoes, boots and purses!!! There is NO WAY to tell if the animal is a carrier- just to make it more of a gamble. While your grandpa may have been fashioning clothes and shoes ( not to mention that well known all over town armadillo head hat band he is famous for!) from road kill all his life, he has just been lucky ( or didn’t mention that week that the family thought he was up north”hunting” when in actuality he was in a hospital two counties away getting IV medication for those blasted lesions!). Please heed this sound advise and steer clear of those two species when pursuing taxidermy jewelry making and stick to the innocuous squirrel feet, parrot heads,snake skins and insect wings..or go dig some natural rough gemstones! they are is far more salable on etsy or the like!

  115. Hyou KitztaBane says:

    I can’t believe anyone would find this anything but disgusting. Not only is it using the body part of an animal but it’s so close to one’s face… I realize squirrels are not going extinct or anything but sheesh.
    Well at least it’s not as bad as that Tinkbel(or whatever she called herself)

  116. Jeff says:

    It is squirrel season and a time that I enjoy with my son. Just so happens that I am also teaching him to use everything he can from what he kills. I like these earrings and happen to have several feet laying around.

  117. Neil Sagan says:

    I like numbers, how about you? Roughly 1 billion birds die from colliding with buildings every year in the US, more than 1 million animals (of various sizes and species) die in collisions with vehicles each DAY in the US, and of course there are millions of fish and other aquatic life that are killed every year by pollution from power plants, your shampoo, and of coarse the run-off from agriculture fields in the US every DAY! So even if you are a SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA-VEGAN (no meat, no leather, no honey, etc), you are still responsible for MILLIONS of animal deaths if you have ever lived in a building, turned on a light, drove a car, washed you hair, OR ATE VEGETABLES from a farm that drained into an active water shed (this is almost all farms, including your garden if you use any nitrate (organic or not) fertilizers)! The point here is that you can call squirrel-feet earrings many things, gross, disgusting, or even AWESOME, but being upset that they exist makes 99.99% of all Americans, GIANT hypocrites.

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