MAKE: television Episode 10: Wearable Technology & Cigar Box Guitar - Make: MAKE: television Episode 10: Wearable Technology & Cigar Box Guitar - Make:

MAKE: television Episode 10: Wearable Technology & Cigar Box Guitar

Visit SparkLab founder and designer Syuzi Pakhchyan, a maker who explores the new frontier of high tech and fashion with her space age handiwork. In the Workshop, John Park shows us how to build a guitar out of a piece of wood, some string, nails and a cigar box. Then he “makes it rock” by wiring it to a buck-fifty cassette-player amp. In a Hidden Treasures segment, Mister Jalopy opens up his Chevy Camaro’s cassette player to show us the beauty and value of clear schematics for makers like him. The Maker Channel features a sunlight-triggered poem, a pedal-powered blender, a time lapse photography rig, and a handmade theremin.

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