Terrarium Craft is a collection of 50 unusual terrarium projects using creative embellishments. As a special treat, Timber Press has given us a PDF excerpt you can download and use to make (and care for) this beautiful Golden Spiral Terrarium.
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From the project introduction:
The nautilus (which means “sailor” in Greek) is an ancient, deep-water ocean mollusk whose spiral-shaped, many-chambered shells are a natural representation of the golden mean, a mathematical principle studied by the ancient Greeks and considered since the Renaissance to be the most perfectly proportioned form in nature.
I love the crystal beads as accents in this terrarium! In Terrarium Craft, you’ll also find mini gardens incorporating vintage jewelry, crystals, sparkly sand, small animal figures, old books, eggs and more. The book is beautifully photographed and sure to inspire any terrarium lover to new heights of tiny world-building.