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Project: Reverse Canvas Wall Pockets

Craft & Design Home

By Cathe Holden
Upcycle new or used stretched canvases into wall pockets to organize mail, papers, stationery, notes, coupons and reminders, or just create funky wall art with flea market finds!


Stretched canvases new or used
Burlap or other fabric
Hot glue
Hanging hardware
Rubber date stamp (optional)
Embellishments (optional)


Step 1: Rummage through your old practice paintings or the picture bin at the thift store and snag some used canvases to upcycle. These paintings (and I) never made it far in my quest to become a great painter. Next, go find some burlap. We had a bag in the garage from potatoes, but my husband said that you can find these at the feed store all day long for cheap. If you have a feed sack with printing on it, that’s a big bonus!
Step 2: Rubber stamp the canvas frame to add vintage character. I used my collection of old wood-handled stamps (some in pieces and parts) for a bit of an industrial touch.
Step 3: Trim out a hemmed or seamed section of burlap to cover the bottom half of the back side (now the front side) of the canvas, allowing enough extra material to fold over the sides and bottom to the back. Make the hemmed edge the top of the pocket and hot glue the burlap to the canvas along the sides and back.
Step 4: Add hanging hardware to the back. I hot-glued vintage hang tabs to mine.
Step 5: Leave your wall pockets plain or embellish. Tie them up with baker’s twine to hold little extras, clip on containers, and tack on some decoration. I used a produce label-wire to wrap one pocket, adding a handmade photo holder stake, a binder clip to hold an old tobacco tin for pencils and brushes, a bullion tube as a bud vase wired on with a twist-tie, and a vintage pin-hook to hold scissors and tape.
Step 6: Hang and fill.
About the Author:
Cathe Holden is a graphic designer, professional crafter, wife, and mother of three teens who lives in beautiful Petaluma, Calif. Cathe shares creative inspiration, craft tutorials, free digital downloads, and product giveaways on her blog,

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