Catbus Cat Costume - Make: Catbus Cat Costume - Make:

Catbus Cat Costume

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Catbus Cat Costume


I won’t pretend like this cat looks like she loves wearing this Catbus costume, but it is such a great idea. No one can pull off Catbus quite like a cat. Betty of Sweet Ipomoea dressed up her two kitties as Catbus and Totoro for Halloween this year.

For those that don’t know, Catbus is a character in the 1988 Japanese anime film, My Neighbor Totoro. Catbus is a cat with a bus on its back. Mice with glowing eyes serve as headlights atop the bus. The bus interior is furry.

Catbus and Totoro, from the film My Neighbor Totoro.
The gray kitty dressed as Totoro didn’t have to wear much… just a leaf on top of his head. (Totoro wears the leaf for protection from the rain.) The poor brown kitty got the short end of the stick!

More Totoro crafts:

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