Super Sweet Airplane Costume - Make: Super Sweet Airplane Costume - Make:

Super Sweet Airplane Costume

Craft & Design
Super Sweet Airplane Costume

airplane halloween costume cardboard

Our friends Ingrid and Nick Dragotta of Howtoons sent me photos of their son Leo’s Halloween costume. He wanted to be a plane this year, so they got him a little bomber jacket and hat, and built the plane out of cardboard. The gauge is actually a cut-open peanut butter jar that has a bag attached with a rubber band. Open up the lid to drop the candy in. Clever and adorable!

I also really appreciate that they left the box’s original printed material visible. Hooray for recycled homemade costumes!

The candy stash is hidden under the gauge (a peanut butter jar lid).
The trick-or-treating bag is hidden in the nose of the plane, under the gauge (a peanut butter jar lid).

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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