Make a Fishing Lure from a Flattened Penny - Make: Make a Fishing Lure from a Flattened Penny - Make:

Make a Fishing Lure from a Flattened Penny

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Make a Fishing Lure from a Flattened Penny

When I was a kid we liked to put coins on a railroad tracks to squash them flat. You remember doing that? We then used these flat coins to make fishing lures and some simple jewelry pieces.

In this video, I’ll show you what you can make with a flattened penny.


To make these fishing lures, I used:

A rolling mill (to flatten the penny)
Letter punch with bracket sign from a punctuation letter punch set.
Small anvil
Fine grit sanding sponge
Bench grinder with a buffing wheel
Transparent nail polish (to protect the copper from oxidizing)

Final assembly of the bait includes:
Treble hook with feathers
Two split rings
Fishing swivel with a clip


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Igor Vichikov

Hi. My name is Igor and I’m the creator of the InspireToMake YouTube channel. I love making stuff... woodworking, leather-craft, electronics, anything and everything I can put my hands on. To share my passion for DIY and craft, I make beautiful videos with the intention to inspire people to make cool things.

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