20 DIY Rock Climbing Walls to Bring the Mountains Closer to Home | Make: 20 DIY Rock Climbing Walls to Bring the Mountains Closer to Home | Make:

20 DIY Rock Climbing Walls to Bring the Mountains Closer to Home

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Rock climbing is a great full-body workout, but this type of gym, or (even better) actual rocks to climb aren’t always convenient. Check out these 20 alternatives for a DIY home-based solution!

Outdoor Walls


Although building something indoors has the advantage of protection from the elements and (hopefully) climate control, one generally has more space outdoors. Naturally, as seen in the above picture, Make: has instructions available for building one. Of course, there are other options:


Indoor Walls


Of course, if you have the space to build something indoors, that’s even better. The wall seen above is one of the more impressive in-home walls featured here, but it’s certainly not the only impressive design.


“Exotic” Handholds


The handholds shown above were custom cast with lights inside for a very cool effect!


Training Aids


If you just don’t have space for a full wall, or the time to build it, there are certainly other strengthening options. A hangboard, seen above is an excellent option for practicing handholds and grip strength.


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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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