A good light saber is always fantastic, but Winston Moy really kicked things up a notch by going all wood for his build. As you can see in the video, this is actually version two of a light saber that was initially intended to be a beer tap. Winston finished the first one and found that he really wanted to re-do it, fixing all the things that bothered him about version 1. His results are simply stunning.
This time around he has more experience under his belt, so figuring out what order and orientation to create the pieces was handled a bit differently. He sure looks pleased with the improvements.
One thing I enjoy about seeing projects on MakerShare.com is that there’s a little thing in the side bar that lets a maker list an Aha moment and an Uh Oh moment. Here’s Winston’s uh-oh:
During final assembly, I glued some parts in upside down. And some of those goofs I was unable to fix.
Winston is going to be at Maker Faire Bay Area talking about his projects. Be sure to get your tickets so you don’t miss out!