40 Foot Geodesic Dome Looks Amazing Lit Up - Make: 40 Foot Geodesic Dome Looks Amazing Lit Up - Make:

40 Foot Geodesic Dome Looks Amazing Lit Up

Craft & Design Technology


What do you get when you combine a 40 foot diameter geodesic dome with LED strips and acrylic panels? Apparently something really amazing, as seen in the videos below. This dome was set up at burning man, making for an interesting space where one can be enclosed in light or open to the environment if the panels are not illuminated.

Naturally, this attracted a myriad of artists and impromptu performers at Burning man. Besides the expected dancing, people can be seen sporting Electroluminescent wires, LED hula hoops, and even twirling a flaming baton.

The dome itself is constructed by a group called “Light at Play” with 425 struts and 126 illuminated vertices. Impressively, it needed heavy machinery to lift the dome overhead. A smaller version, the “Radiance Orb” is featured in the last video below, and might be a more attainable project for someone interested in attempting a spinoff project.

The assembly is impressive, but the group is most proud of their work programming this assembly. The dome can be programmed to respond to sound as an audio visualizer, controlled by an iPad, or can even be manipulated using a Leap Motion controller for wireless hand control. The large dome will be on display at the Mohawk Valley Music Festival this August in Oregon, if you’d like to see it in person.

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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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