Crocheted Bandit Cat

Craft & Design Yarncraft

My dear friend, Fonda Yoshimoto, crocheted this adorable cat. It is her very first crocheted animal! I’m calling him Bandit Cat, because as you can see, he has a little mask around his button eyes. She got the pattern from The Green Dragonfly. (The ceramic vase he’s sitting on is one of Fonda’s creations, as well.)
Fonda is an artist who does quite a bit of sculpture, and she sometimes incorporates fiber art into her work. Here is a porcelain and fabric doll called Tonbo, which is Japanese for “dragonfly.”
And this is Link, a large-scale knitted piece for an open studio she had last summer.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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