Blinking, staring eye follows you around the room - Make: Blinking, staring eye follows you around the room - Make:

Blinking, staring eye follows you around the room

Craft & Design
Blinking, staring eye follows you around the room


“Opto-Isolator” (2007) by Golan Levin and Greg Baltus is an art project that subverts the idea of the “spectator” into a reversal of roles for the artwork and viewer. The piece presents a solitary mechatronic blinking eye that follows the view of the onlooker and blinks one second after the viewer in order to produce a psychosocial connection between the work and its participant. The result is very unnerving and a bit frightening as the video (link below) will show you.

Opto-Isolator – Link, Video

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