For the holiday of Sukkot, Jews construct temporary shade structures (sukkahs) and occupy them for one week. This year, Sukkot starts on Wednesday, September 22, and this coming Sunday, the Sukkah City: NYC event commemorates the traditional DIY building holiday by raising 12 sukkahs in New York City’s Union Square Park. Designs for the sukkahs were selected from over 500 entries received, which you can browse at the competition’s website.
Italian designer Lorenzo Bini (studiometrico) entered the competition with KOSHO, which he based on the geometry of the Star of David and designed for easy construction with common materials. KOSHO did not become one of “the chosen” for exhibition, but it’s a beautiful design that’s also accessible and may prove more lasting. Bini has drawn up complete plans for the structure, including tools and components lists and step-by-step instructions with illustrations and photographs.
KOSHO (studiometrico blog)
KOSHO plans – “Build Your Own Sukkah!”