Cat Butt Coasters | Make: Cat Butt Coasters | Make:

Cat Butt Coasters

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Cat Butt Coasters


The next time you wake up and smell the coffee, you can also look down and see a cat butt as you rest your mug on one of these inspired Cat Butt Coasters by Shanna Compton of Hooks + Balls.

Each butt is handcrafted with care; made from 100% cotton yarn and acrylic felt. These materials help absorb condensation leaving your table clean and dry.

Update: A number of people have asked about the pattern for these types of coasters. One of them is available on Ravelry.

[via Starry Night Cat]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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