Ceramic Ray guns - Make: Ceramic Ray guns - Make:

Ceramic Ray guns

Craft & Design
Ceramic Ray guns

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Artist West Magoon’s out of this world ceramic rays guns!

Raku Ray Guns are one-of-a-kind ceramic sculptures made by West Magoon. They are inspired by alien technology unearthed at a secret UFO crash site, known only to a tribe of Wyoming Hill People. These photos depict all of the individual Ray Guns currently available. Each is named after a classic science fiction author. The moon crater wall plaques that support the guns each measure 12″ wide by 9″ high.

Each sculpture is hand-built by assembling several parts that have been made on the potter’s wheel. All of the Ray Guns are glazed and fired using the low-fire raku firing technique. The sculptures are pulled from the kiln while the glaze is red-hot and molten and placed into a metal barrel filled with newspaper which is then covered. This smothers the fire, which creates a reduction atmosphere, giving the glazes their metallic look.

Ray guns, West Magoon, ceramic sculpture – [via] Link.

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