Mash Together Star Wars and Mad Max to Build One Awesome Guitar - Make: Mash Together Star Wars and Mad Max to Build One Awesome Guitar - Make:

Mash Together Star Wars and Mad Max to Build One Awesome Guitar

Costumes, Cosplay, and Props Craft & Design
Mash Together Star Wars and Mad Max to Build One Awesome Guitar

Wanting to build something that combined his mutual lose for both Star Wars and Mad Max, Stephen Wong reconstructed the Doof Warrior’s guitar (from Mad Max: Fury Road) with a Darth Vader twist.

Doof Vader lightsaber guitar demo

Wong said:

It was scratch-built with some good ol’ fashioned cobbling together of random things that were never meant to be attached together, lol. Among the ingredients was a (new, not used) bedpan for the body, and various automotive bits, including the bumper ends off an Austin Healey, horns off a Studebaker, sparkplugs off a BMW, and a motorcycle gear sprocket. An old electric guitar and bass were given new life as parts for this build (they live, they die, they live again!)

Check out the rest of Wong’s build on his Maker Share!

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Jordan has spent much of his life writing about his many geeky pastimes. He's particularly passionate about indie game design and Japanese art, but loves interacting with creators from all walks of life.

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