Natalie scored an interview for CRAFT with the crazy funny Amy Sedaris – She writes…
“Opening up the book, I like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris, is like going into another world. The world of Amy. Which for anyone who’s a fan of her work, from the Comedy Central TV show and movie, Strangers with Candy, to her many comedic scene stealing guest appearances — you know and love Amy’s world. Opening up this book really grabs both sides of your senses. Your crafting sense will love the kitschy ideas. You’ll find yourself saying, “I want to make this!” (cupcakes, tea towels with pom poms, root beer floats, and lots more) and then your human sense kicks in and you just can’t stop yourself from laughing out loud hysterically (by yourself, alone, at home to the point that maybe the neighbors can hear you) over her comedic genius. If at any point you are looking at the beautifully shot photos and find yourself saying, “wow, she looks absolutely gorgeous in that shot.” You only need to turn the page and see another photo of Amy in one of her many special funny faces. But don’t let the comedy overshadow this beautifully designed and well-written book. I love all the illustrations, photography style, and graphic design. I Like You is chock full of helpful and informative nuggets to help you make stuff out of everyday things. That’s the underlying message and the humorous way in which it’s presented is a major added bonus!
I was really excited to get the chance to interview Amy Sedaris for the CRAFT Blog where we talked about the book, her projects, and growing up as a Girl Scout. “ – Link.