CRAFT Pattern Podcast: Alternative Coasters by Robyn Chachula - Make: CRAFT Pattern Podcast: Alternative Coasters by Robyn Chachula - Make:

CRAFT Pattern Podcast: Alternative Coasters by Robyn Chachula

Craft & Design Yarncraft

Craftpodcast Crochetcoasters
This week’s CRAFT Pattern Podcast are Alternative Coasters by Robyn Chachula of Crochet by Faye. Crochet up these coasters with plastic grocery bags as yarn or use heavy plastic ribbon as Robyn does, which you can easily find in the gardening aisle of the hardware store. You can also try twine or curling ribbon. The possibilites are endless!

Catch up with Robyn and the cool world of crochet on her fantastic blog.

  • Download this week’s CRAFT pattern PDF – Link.

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