I grew up in Michigan, so I feel a little Mitten State pride whenever Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood announces a new issue of CraftSanity Magazine. So, I wanted to send out a little Midwest love, and let you know that the latest issue of CraftSanity Magazine is now available for purchase! The print issue is available for $12, or you can download the $6 PDF by clicking on the link in the sidebar at CraftSanity.com.
This issue is packed with people and projects that I hope will inspire hours of creative time this spring. We’re covering everything from knitting, crocheting and sewing to weaving, yarn dyeing, felting, embroidery, herbal medicine, gardening, baking and more. I think you’re going to like it, folks.
Looking at the contributor list, I see quite a few names that are friends of CRAFT, and a ton of wonderful projects that I can’t wait to try out!
Issue 6 contains more than 20 patterns, projects and recipes to keep those creative juices flowing.
Check out the preview post on CraftSanity for additional photos and more information about the contributors.