Crying candle head has tears of wax - Make: Crying candle head has tears of wax - Make:

Crying candle head has tears of wax

Craft & Design
Crying candle head has tears of wax

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Bust of Dierdre Candle via Twitter.

“Like an echo from the caves of coccamaura, i came forth whilst Dierdre wept cool tears” – from a celtic fairy tale.  The bust, “Deirdre” was a true collaboration between the two of us.   Mr. Little presented Mr. Sellers with the concept of crafting a weeping bust that cried tears of wax.   Mr. Sellers sculpted the bust based on a neo-classical inspiration.  The functionality of the piece is quite remarkable as the back of the sculpture is carved on an angle allowing for the melting wax to flow through the opening of the eyes.

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