It is a common annual exercise to think of the more potent memes of the year and then try to create a Halloween costume around one of them. You know that party that you’re going to is likely to feature the New York pizza-stealing rat, more than one Kim Davis costume, some clever take of the New Horizons Pluto mission, and a perpetually weeping John Boehner. I bet you never expected to see the hallucinatory nightmare that is the Google DeepDream program hovering near the punch bowl, but you might now, thanks to this makeup tutorial from Jennifer Culp.
The main ingredients to the costume are, not surprisingly, eyeballs and dog heads. Jennifer bought glass eyes at an online taxidermy supply house. They’re not cheap ($6-8 a pair), but she claims the realism really sells the creepiness. She used eyelash glue to attach the eyeballs to her face and neck.
For the dog heads, she printed out some wet dog images she found on Instagram and made a headband out of them. She also glued some dog heads around the collar of her shirt.
For the makeup, she used a flash color makeup palette. She writes:
If I were planning to wear this out somewhere, I would probably use ever-infallible wet eyeshadow rather than the flash palette so as not to smear my eyes off onto everything I encounter. BUT, I want to play with my flash palette, so adjust according to your needs.
Here’s her advice on the overall makeup scheme:
DeepDream envisions awful-looking wrinkles, orifices, and folds where human eyes see smooth expanses of skin. Add some! Paint on a few more extra eyeballs, too, for variety.
PS: Don’t put a glass eyeball in your nostril. For a number of compelling reasons.
You can see the full tutorial, which includes a bit more information and more pictures on the Millihelen website. [via Boing Boing]