Every Day a Shirt - Make: Every Day a Shirt - Make:

Every Day a Shirt

Craft & Design
Every Day a Shirt
Be a pioneer.
Be a pioneer.

comingtobayareamakerfaire_2013Every Day a Shirt is a Tumblr blog where crafter and entrepreneur Jesse Genet posts a freshly modded shirt, every day. Jesse is the co-creator of Inkodye, a photosensitive fabric dye that develops its color in sunlight. It’s pretty neat. Compared with screen printing, this process is a breeze. Along with the dye, her company, Lumi, has developed an app that makes it easy to convert a photo into negative, to print with the Inkodye.

Here are some of my favorite Every Day a Shirt creations:


Lumi will be at Maker Faire Bay Area this year, with demos and hands-on activities. I’m definitely going to be checking this out — and you should too! Don’t have your Maker Faire Bay Area tickets yet? Get em here.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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