Giant Squid kinetic sculpture from found materials - Make: Giant Squid kinetic sculpture from found materials - Make:

Giant Squid kinetic sculpture from found materials

Craft & Design
Giant Squid kinetic sculpture from found materials

Nemomatic writes –

This sculpture grew out of a long time fascination with the Giant Squid. My name being Nemo has meant a lifetime of “Captain Nemo” references, thus making me aware of these monsters since an early age. I am a sculptor who works almost exclusively with found materials, though typically I like to build things that look more like classic robots. For that reason this project posed several challenges. For one, I really wanted it to be a Giant Squid which meant finding some large objects, and it would mean breaking a lot of habits to depart from more human like forms. I also decided not to limit myself to aluminum, as I had been at the time, and integrate some brass pieces as well.

Giant Squid kinetic sculpture from found materials – [via] Link.

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