Great American Horn Machine plays MIDI music, spreads happy - Make: Great American Horn Machine plays MIDI music, spreads happy - Make:

Great American Horn Machine plays MIDI music, spreads happy

Craft & Design Music
Great American Horn Machine plays MIDI music, spreads happy


Dana (Mon Valley, PA) built “The Great American Horn Machine” using a gasoline-powered air compressor, 620 gallon air tank, along with an array of ship & train horns + whistles.
The whole thing is controlled by a couple dozen relays hooked up to a Highly Liquid MIDI board, and in case you didn’t notice -it’s mobile! The way I see it, this all leads up to one question – Dana, are you coming to Maker Faire? (please bring giant horn machine – kthnx!)

So much awesome – ya can’t help but grin like a little kid while watching this star-spangled beast do it’s thing –

Big thanks to Michael Una for pointing this one out! [via Highly Liquid]

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