Handmade in Hawaii - Make: Handmade in Hawaii - Make:

Handmade in Hawaii

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Yesterday I visited a craft faire right off the beach in Waikiki. It’s a monthly event called Handmade in Hawaii, featuring crafters and artisans who create jewelry, clothing, housewares, art and all types of crafts. The faire also has amazing food, music, and even traditional Hawaiian massage. It’s presented by the Handcrafters and Artisans Alliance, and you can find more information about the schedule here.
These shorts are made from recycled rice sacks.
I love the shell necklaces. They make very bold statements.
Fresh tropical fruit is the perfect snack for staying cool in the heat while shopping.
I saw a ton of jewelry, but these carvings caught my eye because they are so different. I can’t imagine how much work goes into each piece.

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